Flex provides support for both, but the subtle differences between the two have implications as to the specific mark-up tags used. Flex对这两种方式都提供了,但是由于它们使用了专门的标记,这暗示了这两种方式之间有细微的差别。
In other words, you can configure your widgets with special attributes in your mark-up, or you can use standard JavaScript code& and you are always free to mix and match. 换句话说,您可以使用您自己的标记为小部件配置特定属性,或者可以使用标准JavaScript代码&可任意混合和匹配。
I can see inline onclick handlers on the elements, with the URL of the large image passed as an argument directly in the mark-up itself. 我还能想象到元素上的内联onclick处理程序,大图的URL作为一个参数直接传递到标记本身中。
Because this generated editor is an XML editor, and HTML is an XML-based mark-up language, we only need to make some minor modifications to convert this generated editor into an HTML editor. 由于所生成的这个编辑器是XML编辑器,而HTML是基于XML的标记语言,我们只需进行一些次要的修改,将所生成的编辑器转换为一个HTML编辑器。
The portal server assembles all the mark-up fragments when all portlets finish processing. 当所有Portlet完成处理后,门户服务器将对所有标记片段进行组装。
This is useful when the widget exposes some configuration parameters that directly affect the mark-up or if the mark-up must be conditionally produced depending on external preferences. 在小部件公开某些能直接影响此标记的配置参数时,或是这个标记必须要依照外部首选项而有条件地生成时,这一点将会很有用。
Flex stands out from most other RIA-based technologies because it supports vector-based drawing and direct embedding of SVG mark-up files. Flex优于大部分基于RIA的技术,因为它支持基于矢量的绘制和直接嵌入SVG标记文件。
WebSphere Portal supports various devices by generating portal pages in three mark-up languages WebSpherePortal可通过采用以下三种标记语言生成门户页来支持各种设备
CDATA tags within an XML document can contain any kind of data, including other mark-up text, provided that text does not contain CDATA itself. 一个XML文档中的CDATA标记可能含有各种数据,包括其他标记文本,假设该文本本身不含有CDATA。
The ZK framework has a rich set of components, a mark-up language, powerful development tools, and great documentation, along with being open source and an event-driven Ajax framework. ZK框架拥有丰富的组件、一种标记语言、强大的开发工具和详细的文档,而且它是一个以事件驱动的开源Ajax框架。
The blue boxes symbolise mark-up provided by the padding bytes specified on the FileOutput node's properties. 绿色框表示由FileOutput节点的属性指定的填充字节提供的标记。
The ZK framework has a rich set of components, a mark-up language, powerful development tools, and great documentation. ZK框架具有一组功能丰富的组件、标记语言、功能强大的开发工具以及大量文档。
For instance, a widget implementer can create in this method the widget mark-up and set it into the widget DOM node. 比如,一个小部件实现者可以用这种方法创建小部件标记并将其设置到小部件DOM节点。
Eg. the mark-up on food in a restaurant is usually at least 100%. 餐馆食物的成本加价率通常至少是100%。
Every item sold, even at the tiniest mark-up, is better than no sale at all. 出售的每件商品,即使溢价再低,也比没售出去要好。
Study on Compensation Mechanism of Public Hospitals when Government abolishes Drug Mark-up 政府办医院取消药品加成的补偿机制研究
If you buy from the producer you have to accept the price and your mark-up is linked to that. 如果你向生产商进货,你不得不接受他们开出的价格,你的加成定价将与此挂钩。
Take cocaine: the mark-up between coca field and consumer is more than a hundredfold. 比如说可卡因,从咖啡农场到消费者之间的涨价高达百倍还多。
Large retailers will limit their mark-up on those goods to 10 per cent. 大型零售商将把它们在这些商品上的毛利限制在10%以内。
It is not just the price of bottled water that offends me-though the mark-up in some restaurants is outrageous. 让我不快的并不只是瓶装水的价格&虽然某些餐厅的标价简直令人难以忍受。
The only trouble was, if somebody ordered the book, bordeebook had to get hold of it hence the reason for charging the prevailing market price plus mark-up. 唯一的麻烦在于,如果有人订购了这本书,bordeebook就不得不弄到这本书,这就是它定价比主流市场价格高的原因。
A broad range of users can easily share, view, interrogate, mark-up and validate products designs. 更多的用户可以很容易的分享、浏览、审核、标记和验证产品设计。
It is similar to JSP in that it mixes HTML mark-up and specific tags to invoke built-in functionality. 和JSP类似,它也和HTML标记混合使用,通过特定标记调用内建函数。
These superbly informed individuals want the central bank to keep prices stable so that as consumers they can optimally set their consumption plans with minimal uncertainty, and as producers they can set prices equal to marginal costs ( plus a mark-up). 那些消息极其灵通的个体希望央行保持物价稳定,使得作为消费者的他们,能够最优化的制定出不确定性最小的消费计划,也使得作为生产者的他们,能够让销售价格等于边际成本(加上利润)。
This approach involves creating an XHTML page that contains the template mark-up and components, and then using these as components in other pages. 这种方式需要创建一个包含模板标记和组件的XHTML页面,然后将这些页面作为组件在其它页面中使用。
Mark-up ( Marking-up): To use standard symbols and proof-readers 'marks to write instructions on copy or proof regarding how it should be typeset or corrected. 排字指示:用标准符号和校对符号在原稿或稿样上,指示如何排字或改正错误。
It seems to be acceptable to charge a higher mark-up for fair trade coffee, organic bread or lower-emission petrol. 向公平贸易咖啡、有机面包或低排放汽油收取更高价格,似乎是可以接受的。
But a mark-up of one per cent seems rather high. 但是你们的利率标高一个百分点是相当高的。