ADJ 被围困的;孤立无援的;无法脱身的 If you say that you are marooned, you mean that you feel alone and helpless and you cannot escape from the place or situation you are in.
...families marooned in decaying inner-city areas. 无法脱离日益衰败的内城区的家庭
...temporarily marooned at home by my injured knee. 我由于膝伤暂时无法出门
Harriet Harry Armstrong is a British former police protection officer marooned in the American capital while her journalist husband roams the world. 哈莉特哈里阿姆斯特朗是一名前英国警方保卫官员,当她的新闻工作者丈夫漫游世界时,她在美国首都陷入孤立无援境地。
But you were marooned on this island before. 你以前也被放逐到这个岛上,对吗?
Crown is located on Taipa Island, marooned between the established casino heartland on the peninsula and the upcoming Cotai Strip. 皇冠赌场酒店位于凼仔(taipa)岛上,远离澳门半岛上传统赌场中心和未来的金光大道(cotaistrip)。
Napoleon was exiled, but not really marooned, to the desolate island of Elba. He escaped from Elba nine months later. 拿破仑被贬逐到荒凉的俄尔巴岛上,但未能防止他逃脱&九个月后他逃离该岛。
Then the marooned family stumbles upon an ancient and seemingly abandoned house. 孤立无援的家庭发现一所古老,看似废弃的房子。
There was also fever, the danger of being marooned, and the hardships of storms and cold. 还有发烧、被困在孤岛上、暴风雨和寒冷带来的艰辛。
The marooned pirate in` Treasure Island '. 《珍宝岛》中被放逐的海盗。
You're marooned on a desert island and you can choose only three foods to have. 如果你被困在荒岛上,只能选择拥有三种食物。
The sailors took command of the ship from the cruel captain and marooned him on a desert island. 水手们从残酷的船长手中夺过了指挥权,把他放逐到一个荒岛上。
I had been marooned on the outer fringes of the party, and was getting bored. 晚会上我被撤在一边,感到很无聊。
Sailors marooned on a remote island 放逐到偏远荒岛上的水手
Marooned on a desert island. 被放逐到一个荒岛上。
An isolated pawn; several stranded fish in a tide pool; travelers marooned by the blizzard. 被隔离的人质;潮池里孤立无援的鱼;旅行者被大风雪放逐到无人岛上。
They put in and took the marooned seamen off. 他们把船开进去救出被困在孤岛上的海员。
What would you do if you were marooned on a desert island? 如果你处于荒岛上孤立无援,你会怎么办?
More than 200 have been killed and millions displaced, and thousands of villages are marooned. 水灾导致逾200人丧生,数百万人流离失所,还有几千个村庄被洪水围困。
Rising floodwaters marooned the sheep on a hilltop. 不断上涨的洪水将羊困在山顶上。
Joy, marooned in her flat since her lover went back to his wife, became more and more depressed. 自从情人回到他妻子那里后,乔伊整天关在房里,变得愈来愈消沉了。
Six weeks ago, marooned in Helsinki by a rogue Icelandic volcano, I noticed a strong divergence of opinion between those of my colleagues in a similar situation and those with no travel plans. 6周前,当肆虐的冰岛火山把我困在赫尔辛基时,我注意到与我有类似遭遇的同事和那些没有旅行计划的同事之间存在严重的意见分歧。
Let them be marooned in that cruel void, he said to himself. 让他们被放逐在那残酷的空间之中吧,他对自己说。
The disaster has marooned villages, wiped out infrastructure, destroyed crops and killed livestock. 洪灾切断了村庄与外界的联系,破坏了基础设施,毁坏了庄稼,导致牲畜死亡。
Five fisherman were marooned on a rock in a gale. 一阵大风把五个渔民刮到一块大岩石上。
The helicopters brought off the people marooned by flood waters. 直升飞机救出了被洪水围困的人。
Robinson Crusoe was marooned on a desert island. 鲁滨逊克鲁索被弃于荒岛。
I was marooned on a lonely country road. 我在一条僻静的乡间道路上闲荡。
We were marooned by the blizzard. 我们为暴风雪所困。
But, no, I'm marooned here on this stupid rock! 但是没有我被困在这该死的石头上!
Marooned in the dand cellar, I wondered how long it would be before I was missed. 困于阴湿的酒窖里时,我在猜想人们多久才会发现我失踪了。
Left all those people marooned out there. 把所有那些人孤立无援的扔那不管了?