The 36-year-old entrepreneur founded Linx dating, a Menlo Park-based matchmaking service. 这位36岁的创业家创立了LinxDating。
Despite the push from multiple vendors and standards bodies, UDDI usage for service matchmaking never took off. 尽管多个供应商和标准组织大量推广,但将UDDI用于进行服务匹配的用途从来没有实现。
A local matchmaking service promoted marriage as "the best way to start a career". 一家当地的婚介机构打着婚姻是事业最好的开端的口号在校园促销。
They met in 2007, when both were working at a Seoul matchmaking agency. 她与金敏贞相识于2007年,当时她们在首尔一家婚介所工作。
But he is using the same principle of matchmaking for a very different purpose. 但他在利用相同的配对原则实现不同的目的。
Is often a key question in everything from matchmaking to job applications. 已经成为一个关键性问题,关系到相亲、求职以及生活的方方面面。
On one stage, a glamorous woman in a fuchsia minidress is hosting a public matchmaking session. 在一个舞台上,一位身穿紫红色短裙的美女正在主持一场大众相亲会。
In another case, a man surnamed Jiang fell in love with a girl during a matchmaking event. 在另一个事例中,一位姓蒋的男人在相亲中爱上一个女孩。
Matchmaking through work units and family was, and still is, commonplace. 不管是过去还是现在,牵线配对依然非常普遍,无论是在工作单位还是在家庭环境中。
The matchmaking industry in China is chaotic, a former agency worker told the paper. 中国的相亲行业一片混沌,一位机构的前工作人员告诉记者。
Clearly, you need a matchmaking app. 显然,你需要一款交友应用。
We like the way that matchmaking works in the new system and feel that it is working as expected. 我们很喜欢这种新的竞技场排队机制,并且认为它工作的和预期的一样好。
Young singles gathered around for lantern riddle quiz and matchmaking games. 年青的单身人士聚在一起猜灯谜和玩情侣配对游戏。
Cisema also plays a prominent role as a major matchmaking in Europe and China. 凯思公司同时也在欧洲和中国之间扮演着一个重要的“媒婆”角色。
A Way of Moderated Fuzzy Matchmaking Supporting Consistent QoS 一种支持一致性QoS适度模糊匹配方法
I bet they will not even find us a date, some matchmaking service. 有些婚姻介绍所,我打赌他们不会帮我们介绍对象。
Model and algorithm of transmission congestion management based on matchmaking tradeoff competition mechanism settlement 撮合交易机制下的阻塞管理模型与算法
Emode is bringing Freud, Jung, and Einstein into the art of matchmaking. Emode将弗洛伊德、容格和爱因斯坦融于婚介艺术之中。
Algorithms for Rule Generation and Matchmaking in Context-Aware System 上下文感知系统中的规则生成与匹配算法
In addition, CS: GO will introduce new gameplay modes, matchmaking, leader boards, and more. 此外,CS:GO将推出新的游戏模式,牵线搭桥,领导董事会,等等。
The term matrimonial agencies mentioned in these Procedures refers to intermediaries that offer matchmaking services to mate-seeking clients. 本办法所称的婚姻介绍机构,是指为征婚当事人提供婚姻介绍服务的中介组织。
The two-day event, for Chinese nationals only, was the eastern city's largest ever matchmaking party. 为期两天的活动只面向中国人,而且是这个东方城市有史以来最大型的婚恋派对。
Matchmaking agencies provide blood-type compatibility tests, and some companies make decisions about assignments based on employees'blood types. 婚姻介绍所提供血型匹配测试,还有一些公司在给雇员安排任务时会参考员工的血型。
Enabling Adaptive Service Matchmaking with Abstract Service Model 基于抽象服务模型提高Web服务匹配的适应性
Some matchmaking services cater to blood type. 有些婚介所还根据血型提供配对服务。
Sohu is trying to keep up with features such as a matchmaking service, and by closer integration of its microblog and its news portal. 搜狐正着力追赶,推出了“相亲服务”等各项功能,并把旗下的微博和资讯门户更为紧密地整合在一起。
Research of FOI Matchmaking Algorithm for Grid Services Discovery 网格服务发现的FOI匹配算法研究
The new matchmaking system uses a rating that you cannot see, and is separate for each of the arena brackets. 新的配队系统使用了一种你不能看到的等级来配队,而且不同的竞技场规模有不同的等级。
You have one of the most powerful matchmaking planets on your side-Jupiter. 你有最有力的红娘行星在你这边&木星。