The risks can be so complex that banks hire mathematicians to puzzle them out. 由于风险过高,银行便聘请数学家来解决这些问题。
This untutored mathematician had an obsession with numbers 这位非科班出身的数学家对数字特别痴迷。
Noncommuting objects are as real to the mathematician as commuting objects. 对于数学家来说,不可交换的对象与可交换的对象是一样真实的。
In his old age the mathematician developed a fantastic enthusiasm in anthropology. 那个数学家在老年时对人类学产生了极大的热情。
Bertrand Russell ( 1872& 1970), British philosopher, mathematician, Nobel prizewinner, and political activist. 伯特兰·罗素(1872-1970),英国哲学家,数学家,诺贝尔奖金获得者,政治积极分子。
I consider myself a mathematician and the award is for economics,'' he told AP. 我自认为是个数学家,而这个奖是经济学奖,他对美联社(AP)表示。
This guy'd make an excellent mathematician. 这家伙可以当一个出色的数学家了。
The prize is named in honor of Professor John Charles Fields ( 1863-1932), a Canadian mathematician. 菲尔兹奖是为了纪念加拿大数学家约翰·查尔斯·菲尔兹教授(1863~1932),并以他的名字命名的。
Isaac Newton was a great scientist and mathematician. 艾萨克.牛顿是一个伟大的科学家和数学家。
A mathematician specializing in number theory. 专门研究数字理论的数学家。
He points out that Chen, a Chinese mathematician, made some headway in 1966. 他指出,中国数学家陈景润1966年在这项工作上取得了一些进展。
A famous British mathematician points out that we live surrounded by figures. 一位著名的英国数学家指出,我们生活在被数学包围的环境里。
His brilliance as a mathematician was soon apparent. 他作为数学家的才华不久就显露出来了。
A mathematician specializing in geometry. 专门研究几何学的数学家。
Ritchie was a physicist and a mathematician. However, he became a programmer. DennisRitchie是一个物理学家和数学家,但是,他却成了最具传奇的程序员。
She's a brilliant mathematician, but as a lecturer she's totally incapable. 她是一位才华横溢的数学家,但作为讲师她完全不能胜任。
I will not be a mathematician, nor a writer, how should I manage? 既然我不会成为一名数学家,也不能做作家,我该怎么办呢?
Saying I am a great mathematician is not necessary, saying I am garbage is also fine. 说我是大数学家没有必要,说我是垃圾也可以。
He is an english mathematician. 他是个英国数学家。
He must be mathematician, historian, statesman, philosopher& in some degree. 在某种程度上他应该是数学家、历史学家、政治家和哲学家。
He's a mathematician at the University of chicago. 他是芝加哥大学的数学家。
A mathematician specializing in trigonometry. 专门研究三角法的数学家。
The movie, which tells the story of mathematician John Forbes Nash Jr. 影片讲述数学家约翰·福布斯·纳什与精神分裂症抗争的故事。
Galileo's father was a mathematician and musician. 伽利略的父亲是一位数学家兼音乐家。
Above all he was a first-rate mathematician. 特别重要的是他是个一流的数学家。
Eloquence is a painting of the thoughts-Blaise Pascal, philosopher and mathematician ( 1623-1662). 雄辩是思想的一幅画&布莱西。帕斯卡,哲学家和数学家。
So the universally respected French philosopher and mathematician would also join Linkist. 所以被世人尊重的法国哲学家和数学家笛卡尔会加盟联络家的。