For example, when Michelangelo showed Lorenzo Medici his statue commemorating one of his patron's family members, Medici complained that it didn't look at all like the deceased. 例如,当米开朗基罗向洛伦佐•梅第奇展示为了纪念一个赞助者的某个已故的家庭成员而创作的一座雕塑时,梅第奇批评说这座雕像一点也不像已故的死者。
The Medici are generally regarded, certainly and, Felloni argues, mistakenly in the Anglo-Saxon world, as the summit of Italian achievement in banking and finance. 当然,费罗尼错误地认为,在盎格鲁-撒克逊世界,人们普遍认为美第奇家族是意大利银行和金融业的顶峰。
The practice of this model was introduced by forensic medici examples. 同时,通过法医学实例介绍了该模型的应用。
The attempted assassination of the Medici brothers in the Duomo in Florence in1478 is one of the best-known examples of the machinations endemic to the age. 1478年在佛罗伦萨大教堂对梅第奇兄弟的暗杀行动是那个时代阴谋横行的缩影。
Creating Medici Effect& A New Phase of Subject Librarian's Service and Management 创造美第奇效应&高校学科馆员服务与管理的新境界
And next, MEDICI simulation and a numerical model are utilized to simulate the electric field inside the buried oxide and fraction of hole capture, respectively. 随后分别用MEDICI模拟软件和数值模型模拟掩埋氧化层中的电场强度与空穴俘获率。
He grew up under the rule of the Medici. 他生长在梅迪西统治的年代。
On the Contribution of the Medici Family to the Italian Renaissance 论美第奇家族对意大利文艺复兴的贡献
The Medici were not just brilliant, wealthy, ruthless and powerful; they were a seriously dysfunctional family. 美第奇家族成员不只是聪明、有钱、冷酷、势力强大,而且是个功能严重紊乱的家族。
It is a work intended to ingratiate himself to Lorenzo de Medici, the man to whom the work is dedicated, a customary prince, a traditional prince who has just regained his power. 本书是针对,他迎合罗伦佐?梅迪西所写,后者即是本着作所要致献的人,一个按惯例策立的君王,一位传统的君王,且才刚重获权力。
Analysis of the SEL Characteristic of CMOS Inverter Based on MEDICI 基于MEDICI的CMOS反相器SEL特性分析
They are increasingly the equivalent of the house of Medici, the family that came to dominate Florence from the 14th century. 他们的地位越来越逼近14世纪开始统治佛罗伦萨的美第奇家族(houseofmedici)。
The Medici family bank was founded even before the Banco di San Giorgio, in 1397, and it collapsed in 1494. 美第奇家族银行始建于1397年,甚至比圣乔治银行的创立还要早,1494年倒闭。
Although this fresco was about a religious subject, the people in it were really members of the de Medici family, wearing their own rich clothing. 虽然这幅壁画是关于宗教主题的,但画中的人物都是真实的麦德西家族的成员,他们穿着自己华丽的衣服。
The Medici bank was supreme for almost a century, till its collapse in 1494 when the family was ousted from political power. 美第奇银行鼎盛了将近一个世纪,直到1494年美第奇家族被从执政权位上赶了下来之后才垮台。
Since the sponsorship of the Medici Family, artists have never escaped from the position of parasitism. 从梅第奇家族赞助艺术开始,艺术家就一直无法摆脱寄生的地位。
During the Middle Ages, it was forbidden to depict a naked women at such a large scale, but Botticelli was protected by the powerful Medici family. 以如此大的尺幅表现裸体的女性,在中世纪是被完全禁止的。
An Interpretation on Rolston from the Perspective of Traditional Confucianism; Analysis for Florence Medici Family during the Renaissance 在中国儒家视域下解读罗尔斯顿环境伦理学论文艺复兴时期佛罗伦萨城的美第奇家族
Analysis for Florence Medici Family during the Renaissance 论文艺复兴时期佛罗伦萨城的美第奇家族
Indeed, as Tim parks has written: "the Medici invented nothing in banking practice." 确实,正如蒂姆帕克斯所写的那样:“美第奇家族在银行实务方面什么也没发明。”
The de Medici family, a rich and powerful group in florence, ltaly, hired many artists to work for them. 麦德西家族,在意大利的佛罗伦萨是一个富有并且势力的群体,他们雇佣了许多艺术家为他们工作。
From Italy they came to France and there, in the sixteenth century, much encouraged by the queen, the Florentine Catherine de Medici, they were the rage of the French court. 后来它从意大利传到厂法国,而且在16世纪,因受到皇后即佛罗伦萨人卡瑟琳・德・梅迪奇的鼓励而在法国宫廷风靡一时。
However, Sonja Kohn, Bank Medici's president and majority stakeholder, has said she will co-operate with the authorities. 然而,梅迪西银行董事长及大股东索尼娅·科恩(SonjaKohn)已表示,她将与官方进行合作。
Machiavelli spent a large part of his career in the foreign service of his native Florence and wrote as an advisor to the Medici. ,马奇亚维利职涯中,长期服务于佛罗伦萨,原乡的外交部门,而且是梅迪西家族的顾问;
The effect of some parameters on secondary breakdown is simulated by using the MEDICI soft. 同时用器件仿真软件MEDICI模拟了各参数对功率晶体管VDNMOS二次击穿的影响,给出了仿真结果。
In appendix, several examples of shell program associated with software MEDICI in UNIX operation system are introduced. 在附录中,给出了UNIX下shell程序和Medici运算结合的实例。
To using the software, MEDICI simulation theory and the choice of physical model must be clear first. 利用MEDICI软件进行分析仿真的关键是首先要明确MEDICI的仿真原理和物理模型的选择。
Device characteristics were obtained by adjust device geometry and physical parameters with theoretical analysis and MEDICI simulation. 通过理论分析及MEDICI模拟验证,得到了器件特性与器件的几何尺寸,物理参数的关系。