精英管理(制度);贤能统治(社会) A meritocracy is a society or social system in which people get status or rewards because of what they achieve, rather than because of their wealth or social status.
But the process also underpins the bank's claim of meritocracy. 但这一过程也支持了银行所宣称的精英体制。
At many schools, the so-called meritocracy in admissions is increasingly an excuse for reproducing economic inequality. 在很多大学,所谓的择优录取日益成为复制经济不平等的借口。
But the pressures of the meritocracy can sometimes put this love on a false basis. 然而精英主义的压力有时却会把爱放在错误的基础上。
A good student might even be more than a bit of a follower, a conformist, standing ready to give satisfaction to the powers that be so that one can proceed to the next good school, taking another step up the ladder of meritocracy. 一名好学生甚至可能是一个十足的追随者,一个墨守成规的人,时刻准备着讨好当权者,以便自己能够接着进入下一个好学校,在精英政治的阶梯上再上一级台阶。
The meritocracy is based on earned success. It is based on talent and achievement. 精英主义的基础是努力赢得的成功,根源于才能和成就。
Meritocracy is leadership thought to be based on men and women who have earned their way not through the privileges of birth but by merit. 精英政治被认为是由那些通过业绩成就而非天生特权获得成功的男男女女担任领导的管理形式。
Confucianism and legalism are responsible for creating the world's first meritocracy. 儒家思想与法家思想是最初的世界政治思想精华。
There is much more opportunity and meritocracy in the company I work for at present than in my previous company. 我现在工作的这家公司有比我原先工作的公司更多的机遇与能人管理。
The United States is widely seen as more of a meritocracy than China, where getting into a good university or landing a high-paying job often depends on personal connections. 相比于中国,美国被广泛认为是一个英才教育的国度。而在中国,进入一所好大学或找到一份高报酬的工作通常依靠人际关系。
Meritocracy, an investment mindset, innovation, and value should permeate Chinese corporate relations with consumers, competitors, and suppliers. 任人唯贤、投资观念、创新以及注重价值的观念,应会渗透到中国企业与消费者、竞争对手和供应商等的关系中。
We all know winners who have achieved much through willpower, meritocracy and practice rather than innate talent or advantages of birth. 我们都知道,一些成功者凭借毅力、让能者居于管理地位的体制和身体力行的实践取得成功,而非靠天分或家庭出身方面的优势。
Relating to or characteristic of a meritocracy. 关于精英的,或有精英的特征的。
As a consequence, institutions that ought to be gateways to the future become de facto mechanisms for rationing the American meritocracy's one indispensable component: opportunity. 结果,本该成为通往未来之路的机构变成实际上分配美国英才教育的一个必不可少的部分的机制:机会。
The prime minister claims he wants to create a classless meritocracy in britain. 这位首相声称他要在英国建立一个不属任何阶级的精英领导社会。
Even the sort of inequality produced by meritocracy can hurt growth. 即使是英才管理所产生的那种不平等现象也会给经济增长带来危害。
There is no meritocracy: it's all about who you know. 没有精英:这一切是谁你知道的。
There is a particular fear about the engine of American meritocracy, its education system. 人们对美国精英统治的发动机一其教育体制尤其担忧。
Is Britain a meritocracy? 英国是英才管理的国家吗?
Yes, meritocracy can only work in the context of a one-party state. 没错,精英管理只能在一党制国家的环境中发挥作用。
Wealth disparities are corroding Japan's meritocracy and poverty is rising. 贫富差异腐蚀着日本的实力主义,贫困人口呈上升趋势。
He knows that the government operates on the basis of meritocracy and shuns nepotism and cronyism. 他会知道,政府一向任人唯贤,绝不会任人唯亲,纵容裙带关系。
This debate mixes up three arguments-about inequality, meritocracy and immigration. 这场争论涉及三个方面:不平等、精英统治和移民问题。
The advantages of Chinese-style meritocracy are clear. 中国式的精英管理有着明显的优势。
In practice, Chinese-style meritocracy is flawed. 在实践中,中国式的精英管理也存在缺陷。
But the downside is nepotism and the lack of a deep culture of meritocracy. 但不利的一面是裙带效应和厚重的精英体制文化的缺失。
An ethos of meritocracy will permeate business ethics and corporate processes. 任人唯贤的理念将渗透到商业伦理和企业过程中。
A meritocracy works only if it is seen to be fair. 只有当人们认为精英统治公平时,它才能奏效。
It would be a grave mistake to abandon old-fashioned meritocracy just at the time when it is turning to women's advantage. 传统的精英管理制度对女性越来越有利,现在抛弃它真是大错特错了。
While we think of intergenerational income mobility as a sign of meritocracy, if we did live in a genuine meritocracy, it is hard to know how much mobility we should expect to see. 尽管我们认为两代人之间的收入流动性是一种精英体制的标志,但如果我们的确生活在一个真正的精英体制中,很难知道我们应当希望看到多大程度的流动性。
A global meritocracy is in all our interests. 全球范围内的贤能主义是许多人的梦想和追求。