N-UNCOUNT (用计算机、手机等实现的)信息发送 Messaging is the sending of written or spoken messages using a computer or another electronic device such as a mobile phone.
Messaging allows real-time communication by keyboard with up to five people at any one time. 电子信息发送能使多至5人同时通过键盘进行实时交流。
You can configure custom and predefined data bindings for some of the messaging import and export transport protocol bindings. 对于某些消息传递导入和导出传输协议绑定,您可以为其配置自定义数据绑定和预定义数据绑定。
The IBM I also has a messaging system that programs use to communicate with users and other programs. IBMi还有一个消息传递系统,程序使用该系统与用户和其他程序通信。
The built-in messaging system handles this interaction. 内置的消息传递系统可处理这样的交互。
Data messaging model and data access patterns are being used. 使用数据消息传递模型和数据访问模式。
This evolution can be caused by changes in the service functionality, semantic messaging, and implementation. 这个发展可能是服务功能、语义消息传递和实现中的变更引起的。
Instant messaging ( IM) is a popular application among casual Internet users as well as business users. 即时消息传递(IM)在临时Internet用户和业务用户中都是一个受欢迎的应用程序。
In addition, you can now use the JMS API with the micro broker to support point-to-point messaging. 另外,现在可以使用JMSAPI和微代理来支持点对点消息传递。
The MQ JMS implementation supports both point-to-point and publish/ subscribe messaging models. MQJMS实现同时支持点对点和发布/订阅消息模型。
Bindings, are a mapping of a SAML protocol message onto standard messaging formats and/ or communications protocols. 绑定是标准消息格式和/或通信协议上SAML协议消息的映射。
Peer-to-peer messaging protocols such as SIP, BEEP, and XMPP increasingly use persistent connections. 对等消息传递协议,如SIP、BEEP和XMPP,逐渐使用持久连接。
So far, we have defined and started a queue manager and created a queue for point-to-point messaging. 到目前为止,我们定义和启动了队列管理器,并为点到点消息传递创建了队列。
This tutorial uses the Prototype JavaScript library and a Jabber instant messaging server. 本教程使用了PrototypeJavaScript库和Jabber即时消息服务器。
This includes multiple asynchronous messaging, caching, routing, and the streaming of huge data. 这包括多异步消息传递、高速缓存、路由和对大数据流的处理。
In our scenario, we created a single database and four schemas ( one per messaging engine). 在我们的场景中,创建了一个数据库和四个模式(每个消息传递引擎一个)。
In this article, we learned how we can enable asynchronous messaging over HTTP using Web services. 在本文中,我们了解了可以如何使用Web服务启用HTTP上的异步消息传递功能。
The cache in this pattern is resides on the messaging middleware between the service providers and the service consumers. 此模式中的缓存驻留在服务提供者和服务使用者间的消息传递中间件上。
They can also send email or use instant messaging. 他们也可以发送电子邮件或者使用即时消息。
XMPP provides a general framework for messaging across a network. XMPP为网络中的消息传递提供了一个通用框架。
This architecture provides complete support for both synchronous and asynchronous messaging scenarios. 此体系结构提供了对同步消息传递和异步消息传递方案的全面支持。
Most of us are also now familiar with chat and instant messaging, Web conferences, and screen sharing. 大多数人现在还熟悉聊天和即时通信、Web会议,和屏幕共享。
In our simple setup, we have one bus with one bus member with one messaging engine. 在我们的简单设置中,我们有一个总线,带有一个成员和一个消息传递引擎。
Two sets commands are provided for creating and manipulating MQ messaging provider queues and topics. 为创建和操作MQ消息传递提供程序队列和主题,共提供了两个命令集。
These two computer programs communicate with each other either through a messaging system or through a web service. 这两个计算机程序彼此通过一个消息传递系统或一个web服务进行通信。
Domino is an applications and messaging server which supports the development and deployment of groupware applications. Domino是一个应用程序和消息传递(messaging)服务器,支持群件(groupware)应用程序的开发和部署。
Data: With the cache in messaging middleware, response messages may not be up to date. 数据:由于消息传递中间件中使用了缓存,因此响应消息可能会不是最新的。
JMS defines two modes of messaging: point-to-point ( P2P) and publish-subscribe ( pub-sub). JMS定义了两种信息传递模式:点对点(P2P)和发布&订阅(pub-sub)。
The Java Message Service provides a vendor-and platform-independent medium for tying systems together with enterprise messaging. Java消息服务提供了一种独立于供应商和平台的媒介,通过使用企业消息传递将多个系统系在一起。
I have separate email and instant messaging accounts for each stakeholder. 作为不同的利益相关者,我需要处理不同类型的电子邮件和即时消息。
JMS and MOMs work nicely together because they both divide responsibility between message clients and the messaging server. JMS和MOM能够很好地协同工作,因为它们都划清了消息传递客户机和服务器之间的责任界限。