Beware of methylated alcohol, which is very poisonous and should never be added to drinking water. 要提防甲基化酒精,那是剧毒的,永远不能掺入饮用水。
However, if the DNA was not first methylated the transplant experiments were not successful. 但是,如果不先甲基化DNA,试验将无法植入成功。
When genome transplantations were performed using the restriction enzyme minus recipient cells, all the genome transplantations worked regardless of if the DNA was methylated or not. 结果显示不论DNA甲基化与否,所有使用受体细胞限制性内切酶的基因组移植都获得成功。
We set off to clean up the house, with mops and methylated spirits. 我们开始用拖把和含甲醇酒精清扫房子。
Methanol for industrial use industrial methylated spirit 工业用甲醇变性酒精
The methylated MSP technique for detecting of DAPK methylation was established successfully and can be used for analyzing samples from cancer patients. 成功建立的DAPK基因启动子甲基化MSP检测方法具有良好的特异性、灵敏性和重复性,可用于肿瘤标本的批量检测。
In a second set of analyses, co-author Jeffrey Hansen and Xu Lu measured how methylation affected the condensation of recombinant chromatin formed from the methylated histones. 在第二轮的分析中,共同作者JeffreyHansen和XuLu测量了这种甲基化的组蛋白形成的重组染色质中,甲基化怎样影响它的凝聚。
In this step also the acid moiety was methylated to give the ester. 在这一步,也是酸基元是甲基赐与酯。
The metals which are of particular concern are those which have been shown to be methylated in nature. 人们特别关心那些在自然界能被甲基化的金属。
The CAT is methylated in3.3% ( 1/ 30) of the neighboring non-cancerous tissues ( N) and3.3% ( 1/ 30) of HCC tissues ( C) while unmethylated in normal controls. CAT基因在正常肝组织中未甲基化,在癌旁组织和癌组织中甲基化比例均为3.3%(1/30)。
Results: The established methylated MSP could only amplify the methylation positive DNA template, but not the unmethylated DNA template and unmodified DNA template. 结果:所建立的甲基化MSP方法仅能扩增出甲基化阳性模板,不能扩增出未甲基化阳性模板和未硫化处理的DNA模板;
"Again to our surprise, we found that in70 percent of cases, when these genes were highly methylated in tumor cells, they were also highly methylated in the adjacent normal tissue," says Yan. “又另我们感到惊奇的是,我们发现70%病例,当肿瘤组织高度甲基化时,它周围的正常组织也呈高度甲基化”。Yan说。
Characteristics of methylated-β-cyclodextrins and their applications in pharmacy 甲基化-β-环糊精的特性及其在药物中的应用
When the chromosome was isolated direct from the bacterial cells it was likely already methylated and therefore transplantable due to it being protected from the cells restriction enzymes. 当提取出来的染色体很可能已经被甲基化,因此对其移植应该已经有针对细胞内限制性内切酶的保护。
Methylated methylol urea resin 甲醚化羟甲基脲树脂
When the DNA was methylated the chromosome was able to be successfully transplanted into a wild type species of M.capricolum. 当DNA甲基化后,染色体能够顺利植入野生型的丝状支原体。
Methylated sites exerted differentially on F1 performance, showing heterosis could benefit from expression or repression of some genes. 不同甲基化位点对杂种生产性状的作用方向不同,说明杂种优势的表现既与有些基因的表达有关,也与有些基因的表达抑制有关。
After acetylation, the methylated productions were analyzed by G. C.分析,甲基化分析等方法,甲基化产物经水解、还原、乙酰化后用G。
1, 3-cyclohexanedione as starting material, constructed the A ring followed by methylated and carbonyl was protected. 以1,3-环己二酮为原料,经过甲基化反应和羰基保护构筑了A环合成子。
And the methylated cytosine at cytosine guanine ( CpG) dinucleotides might silence the gene expression. 胞嘧啶-鸟嘌呤二核苷酸中胞嘧啶甲基化可使基因静止不转录。
This modification created sequence difference between methylated and unmethylated genomic DNA, which can be sensitively detected by PCR. 这种修饰处理可在甲基化和非甲基化基因组DNA间产生DNA序列差异,而这种DNA序列差异可通过BGS法较为灵敏地筛查出。
Two methods were used to methylate the fatty acid in pomegranate seeds. The methylated fatty acids were analyzed by GC-MS. 采用两种方法对石榴籽中的脂肪酸进行了甲酯化,所得脂肪酸甲酯经GC-MS分析。
Objective: To isolate and analyze the differentially methylated DNA sequences between gastric cancer and normal gastric mucosa. 目的筛选和分析胃癌和正常胃组织间DNA甲基化差异片段。
The Effect of Methylated DNA on Transcription of Mutational alkA Gene 甲基化DNA对突变的alkA基因转录的影响
Methylated and branched fatty acids were detected. 可测到奇数脂肪酸和甲基化分枝脂肪酸。
The effects of polymorphic methylated sites on hybrid performances were analyzed. 分析了多态性甲基化位点对杂种一代表现的效应。
In these compounds, the oxidized methylated derivatives were first synthesized, had not been reported. 其中氧化的甲基化产物此前未见报道,是首次合成的新化合物。
Sp1 has CpG sites in its binding area on DNA strain, and could be methylated by DNA transferase. Sp1在DNA上的结合区域含有CpG位点,可能被DNA甲基转移酶甲基化。