The cat will mew and dog will have his day. 任猫去叫,任狗去闹吧!
May this Mew Year be one that brings many good things your way. 愿新年带给你无数美好的事物。
Mom: Oh! Mew is hungry too. 我喜欢马铃薯和青豆。我很饿,妈妈。
I would like all of you and the countless Mew Yorkers and Americans watching to join me in honoring him for his incredible half century of service to New York and our nation. 我恳请你们所有的人,诸位正在收看直播的纽约市民和美国人民,同我一起向他致敬,感谢他这半个世纪以来为纽约和美国做出的巨大贡献。
We must increase the rate of ploughing back mew money into equipment and expansion. 我们必须加快速度,投入新的资金增加设备和扩大再生产。
How do you like the mew style some of the girls are wear this season? 您看现在有此姑娘们做的新发型怎么样?
A mew hairstyle will improve your appearance, but you can't expect miracles. 新发型会使你的形象有所改观,但你可别指望会出现奇迹。
Be the mew cabinet acceptable? 新内阁可接受吗?
This will mark a mew stage of development in China-US relations. 这标志着中美关系进入了一个新发展阶段。
Magnetic suspended train will bring us a mew fortune stream? 磁悬浮列车会给我们带来新的财富流吗?
He knows I've always admired it, but I couldn't afford to buy a mew one just like it. 他知道我一直就喜欢这种,但是我买不起这样的一个新的立体声音响。
The experiment result indicates that the weaving effect and the performance of the sized yarn with mew sizing formula are better than that with traditional formula. 试验结果表明,新配方上浆纱的织造效果和浆纱性能均优于传统配方。
Mew: And without summoner, you cannot go home. 而且,没有召唤者,你无法回家。
What will become of the children if their father dies? How do you like the mew style any of the girls wear this season? 如果他们的父亲死了,这些孩子的遭遇会怎么样?您看现在有此姑娘们做的新发型怎么样?
The thought on mew urbanism and its enlightenments on China regional planning 美国新城市主义思潮及对我国区域规划的启示
Female anger not language, male booth advocate say again: Your mew is very white! 女怒不语,男摊主又说:你的咪咪好白呀!
In this way they built the first 12000-kw turbo-generator of the mew type. 他们就样制成了第一新型的一万二千瓦涡轮发电机。
Didn't I have the dream of mew before? 不是有海鸥的梦想吗?
Through this activity, the students from different school and different major got mew friends, enjoyed a sunny and funny afternoon together, it was really an enjoyable experience. 通过这次活动,来自不同学校不同专业的同学认识了新的朋友,一起享受了一个阳光、愉悦的下午,确实是一个有趣的经历。
We took the mew of a cat as a sound of warning. 我们把猫的叫声误听成是警号了。
Will you please help me fit a mew door? 你能帮我装个新门吗?
I can hardly believe that so small a root can sprout so many mew branch with such beautiful blossom. 我简直难以相信如此的一段树根能萌发出如此之多的枝条。
Just that I'm going to lose this mew job. 只不过我这份新工作要保不住了。
Is this my mew house? I can't believe my eyes, it's so beautiful. 这是我的新房子?真不敢相信,太美了。
When Cathy got her college diploma, many mew jobs opened up. 凯茜获得大学文凭后,许多工作可供她选择。
You shall have a mew bike tomorrow. 你明天会得到一辆新自行车的。
Other innovations include a mew line of cards featuring professional sports figures; 其他新花样包括一种以职业运动员形象为特色的新品种贺卡;