They were joined by a milker from one of the cottages, and no more was said on that which concerned them so deeply. 这时从小屋里走出来一个挤奶工人,和他们在一块儿了,因此他们共同关心的问题就没有再谈。
A reply, in the shape of 'Why?' came as it were out of the belly of a dun cow in the stalls; it had been spoken by a milker behind the animal, whom she had not hitherto perceived. 有人接口说了句为什么,声音似乎是从牛棚里一头黄牛的肚子里发出来的;这句话是那头牛后面的一个挤奶工人说的,苔丝直到这时才看见他。
She saw nothing at supper-time of the superior milker who had commented on the story, and asked no questions about him, the remainder of the evening being occupied in arranging her place in the bed-chamber. 吃晚饭的时候,她没有看见那个评论故事的挤牛奶的上等工人,也没有问起过他,晚上剩余的时间她都在寝室里安排自己睡觉的地方。
Fellow 'milker' George Hoyland said: We didn't expect a reaction this large, the video was initially intended for our friends. 头灌牛奶视频中另一位成员乔治-霍里兰德表示:我们没想到会得到这么大的反应,本来视频只是为我们的朋友而拍的。