Ruin, falling, losing, mindlessness were not only in our nature now, they signaled our future. 毁坏、跌倒、失落、愚笨,它们不仅此时此刻存在于我们的本质中,还预示着我们的未来。
Contrary to popular belief, it is not the prerogative of mindlessness, but the exact opposite; it is the reward of self-esteem. 与大多数人的观念相反,享受不是愚人的专利,而是自尊的回报。
In fact, the Kremlin often defends its actions, particularly to foreigners, by pointing to the "mindlessness" of Russians and the lack of a strong civil society. 事实上,克里姆林宫经常为自己的做法辩护,特别是在应对国外舆论时。他们常说俄罗斯民众“民智尚未开化”,公民意识不强。
The destruction of sacredness, the loss of poetry and the mindlessness of melody arc the trend of popular love songs, which makes the songs appear to have the favor of kitsch; 神圣的消解,诗意的失落,旋律的粗化是爱情流行歌曲“媚俗”的走向;