Tingyi's iced tea and mineralized water rank first in mainland China by market share, according to a June survey by ACNielsen. 根据AC尼尔森(ACNielsenCorp。)6月份的一项调查,康师傅冰茶和矿泉水的市场占有率名列内地首位。
Analysis on the Comprehensive Treatment and Utilization of Highly Mineralized Mine Water 高矿化度矿井水综合处理与利用浅析
RDF production from mineralized MSW does not only provide a new kind of renewable energy, but also offer a more effective and economic way for MSW disposal. 矿化垃圾作为再生燃料利用不仅可以回收能源,而且为城市垃圾的处理提供了经济、长效机制。
A New Clue for Gold Searching in Xuefeng Tectonic Area& A discovery of Au mineralized Lamprophyre in Anhua 雪峰构造区的找金新线索&安化发现煌斑岩型金矿化
Highly mineralized groundwater can be explored from strongly salinized land thus producing mirabilite and table salt. 重度盐碱地可开采高矿化地下水,生产芒硝和食盐。
One of the types of tissues that makes up bone is the mineralized osseous tissue, also called bone tissue, that gives it rigidity and honeycomb-like three-dimensional internal structure. 构成骨组织之一的矿物化骨状组织,即骨组织,它使骨具备了硬性和蜂窝样三维结构。
Most of them are highly silicified and sometimes mineralized with pyrite and chalcopyrite. Pyrite is more abundant and cobaltiferous and occurs in heavy patches in the sulfide mass. 大部分的扭折条带遭受强烈的硅化作用,有时还具有矿化现象,并含黄铁矿和黄铜矿。黄铁矿很多,并且含钴,在硫化物块体中成稠密的斑块。
However, there are lots of undeveloped shallow salt water resource in the region that are high mineralized water with poor quality. 河北省东部黑龙港地区淡水资源十分紧缺,但是这一地区地下富存大量的咸水和微咸水资源。
The "shell" is composed of three structures: the membranes, the mineralized part and the cuticle. 蛋壳由3种结构组成:膜,矿物质化部分和壳胶膜。
Over time, ivory develops hairline cracks along its surface, between the mineralized prisms it is made of. 时间久了,象牙质的表面在矿化棱柱之间会产生发丝般细的裂纹。
The utility model relates to a wooden fish stone mineralized core, which is composed of a casing and wooden fish stone granules. 本实用新型是一种木鱼石矿化芯,它由壳体和木鱼石颗粒组成。
This paper introduces an application of PLC control system in high mineralized mine water treatment, and analyzes working principle, hardware structure and software design of the system. 介绍了PLC自控系统在电渗析工艺处理高矿化度矿井水工程中的应用,对PLC自控系统的工作原理、硬件结构和软件设计进行了分析。
Granites emplaced at deeper crust levels are unlikely mineralized due to a close or near-close magmatic system and lack of elemental and energy exchange with their country rocks. 一般来说,在下地壳层次侵位的岩体形成于封闭一半封闭环境,不利于岩浆系统中物质和能量的交换以及矿床的形成;
The concept and properties ( physical, chemical and biological) of mineralized refuse and the mechanism of removing organic substances by mineralized refuse bioreactor are described. 介绍了矿化垃圾的概念、性质(物理、化学、生物)及矿化垃圾生物反应床去除有机物的机理。
Mineralized geological characteristics and prospecting criteria of the Yuanling gold deposit in Xingguo County, Jiangxi Province Study on early-warning system for heavy metal pollution of water and soil in metal sulphide mining area 江西省兴国县园岭金矿区矿化地质特征及找矿标志金属硫化矿区水土重金属污染预警系统的研究
The massive sulfide contains fragments of barren and mineralized gabbro, and schist. 块状硫化物中含有矿化的和未矿化的辉长岩及片岩碎块。
The Exploration on the Resource of Medical Stone of Zhongtiao Mountain and the Specific Characters of the Mineralized Water 中条山麦饭石资源及其矿化水特点的探究
The surface transportation of elements and the environmental effect of the Lower Cambrian Mineralized Black Shales in Hunan-Guizhou Region 湘黔下寒武统矿化黑色岩系中元素的表生迁移和环境效应
During the late consolidation stage of sedimentation, mineralized solution are squeezed into fractures. They can also be transmitted through thick deposits of unconsolidated sediments. 在沉积物固结的晚期,矿化溶液渗入到裂隙中。它们也可能通过未固结沉积物的沉积层。
Some diagnostic criteria for mineralized granites are summarized and reviewed, which include tectonic setting, zonation of granite, mobility of ore fluid, and geochemical and mineralogical indicators. 本文归纳总结了花岗岩成矿的几个判别标志:大地构造背景、花岗岩的环带构造、成矿流体可迁移性及自交代作用、矿物学和地球化学特徵。
Figs. 12 and 13 give examples of measurements on a mineralized zone and on a barren zone. 图12,图13分别是在一个矿化带上和一个无矿化地带的测量结果。
Study on Absorption Treatment Waste Leachate with Mineralized Refuse 矿化垃圾吸附处理垃圾浓缩液的研究
Coal gangue was activated by calcination with calcium, while gypsum and fluorite as mineralized agent. 采用增钙煅烧方式活化煤矸石,添加石膏和萤石作矿化剂。
The identification of the remote sensing alteration anomalies has led to the expansion of a mineralized area. 经首批地面查证扩大了一处已知金矿点的找矿范围。
Mineral pyroelectricity can be used to judge the denuding levels of deposits and to assess the mineralized district. 因此用矿物的热电性质可以对矿床的侵蚀面水平和矿化地段的远景作出评价。
The mineralized MSW have much lower moisture contents than those of fresh MSW and their combustibles are mainly plastics, woods and fabrics. 研究发现矿化垃圾中的可燃成分以塑料为主,另有木竹和纤维。
Study on Combination of Fenton Agent and Mineralized Refuse Bioreactor for Treatment of Wastewater from Ion-exchange Resin Regeneration 用Fenton试剂-矿化垃圾生物反应器联合处理离子交换树脂再生废水
Any organic, solid or gaseous, regardless of size, that collides with it is instantly mineralized. 任何规模的有机,固体或气体,而不论与碰撞是立即矿化。
Mineral deposit model of Jiaojia gold belt is distribution of the deposits along the "one tectonic belt, two mineralized enrichment zone and three mineralized alteration zone". 焦家带金矿床构成了沿“一条构造带、二段矿化富集带、三层矿化蚀变带”产出的矿床模式。
Application of reverse osmosis technology in the treatment of highly mineralized mine water 反渗透技术用于高矿化度矿井水处理的研究