The right style of swimsuit can help to hide, minimise or emphasise what you want it to 款式选择得当的泳装有助于按照意愿掩饰、缩小或突出某些部位。
The Mayor of Jerusalem has tried to minimise conflict by maintaining a middle way between the various religions. 耶路撒冷市市长对各宗教采取折中的态度,力图使冲突最小化。
Another way to minimise risk would be to avoid over exposure to the marketplace in the first place. 另一个将风险降至最低的方法是在一开始就避免对市场建立过大的敞口。
But I like businesses with small headquarters – they are better placed to minimise bureaucracy and office politics. 但我喜欢总部规模较小的企业,它们在尽可能地减少官僚体制和办公室政治方面更有优势。
It must now minimise the scale of the slowdown and create a more robust economic and financial regime. 目前,它必须尽量减小经济减速的幅度,并创建一套更加稳健的经济和金融体制。
Special considerations shall be taken to minimise the spill and dispersion of sediment and the release of toxic substances. 应进行特别考虑,将沉淀物溢出和扩散以及有毒物质泄漏降至最低。
We must minimise the damage done by this upheaval. 我们必须将这一动荡造成的损失降至最低。
Where appropriate, measures should be taken to minimise the particulate contamination of the end product. 适当的条件下,要采取措施,减少对终产品的尘埃粒子的污染。
Second, it would minimise damage to incentives. 其次,它应将对激励机制的损害降到最低。
Volvo Cars has introduced waste management systems to minimise residual products and improve material utilisation. Volvo汽车公司采用了废物管理体系,这样可以尽可能地减少副产品并改善原材料的利用。
So we should have QC procedures at each stage to minimise the chance of contamination. 所以我们生产中的每一阶段都应该有QC措施,把污染的可能性控制在最小范围。
This is a very valuable asset in love and can minimise the problems in a relationship. 这在爱情中是一个很好的条件,并能将一段感情里面产生的问题最小化。
We must do everything we can to minimise these avoidable tragedies. 因此,我们必须竭尽所能,设法减少这些本可避免的悲剧发生。
The company believes testing and control to Eurofins standards will help minimise risks for industry and trade. 企业相信,按欧陆坊标准的检测和控制将有助于他们行业与贸易的风险最小化。
This feature will automatically adjust the headlight angle and direction based on road and driving conditions to minimise glare. 这个功能将会自动调整角度和方向灯基于道路和驾驶条件最小化眩光。
To minimise loss and risk, China needs co-operation with other countries in risky investments. 为了将损失和风险降到最低,中国需要在有风险的投资上与其他国家合作。
The oil companies, meanwhile, have done some furtive checking on their own practices, to minimise the risk that they might suffer a similar accident, but they have all insisted that the disaster will make no difference to their plans for offshore exploration and development. 与此同时,石油公司私下里对自己的活动进行了一些核查,将自己遭遇类似事故的风险最小化。但它们都坚称,这场灾难不会影响其海上勘探和开发计划。
These various measures of transaction costs are analysed with the aim of developing strategies to minimise future execution costs. 对交易成本的多种衡量将同发展战略目标一起分析,以将未来的执行成本降至最小。
Some projections minimise distortions in some of these properties at the expense of others. 一些投影会以牺牲其他方面的属性来使某些属性的变形最小化。
Then as now, they hoped to minimise the services while maximising the revenues. 和现在一样,他们希望将服务最少化,收入最大化。
One option is to submit them to even more intrusive regulation to minimise the risk of a collapse. 一个方法是对它们施加更为强制性的监管,将倒闭风险降至最低。
So what are some of the things we can do to minimise such interruptions and distractions? 那么有什么方法可以让我们把干扰和注意力分散最小化么?
And what can the traveller do to minimise the confusion involved and the inconvenience caused? 对于旅客而言,他们怎么才能让飞机晚点导致的混乱和不便降至最低呢?
Minimise and justify any adverse effect your work may have on people, animals and the natural environment. 将自己的工作可能为人类、动物、以及自然环境造成的副作用减至最小并加以纠正。
This could both minimise costs to rich countries and secure transfers to those which emit less. 这将一方面最小化富国的成本,另一方面保障向排放量较小国家的资金与技术转移。
This gives us a much clearer picture of noise patterns and how they can be controlled to minimise their impact on the wider community. 这给了我们一个更清晰的图像噪音模式,以及他们如何可以控制,尽量减少其对更广泛的社会影响。
One advantage of doing so is that it should minimise any growth collapse. 这么做的一个好处是,它应该能够最小化任何增长崩溃。
SKF has released Y-bearing units that are optimise productivity and minimise costs in a diverse variety of industrial applications. SKF的已发布的Y-轴承单元是优化生产力和降低成本在一个多样化的各种工业应用。
Economic stimulus can be justified to minimise excess economic adjustment. 经济刺激可以使经济过度调整的幅度最小化。
Corporations may be able to do more to maximise the gains or minimise the losses from piracy. 企业也许能够采取进一步的行动,实现盗版收益最大化,或是相关损失最小化。