ADJ 崭新的;新制作的;刚完成的 If you describe something as newly minted or freshly minted, you mean that it is very new, and that it has only just been produced or completed.
He seemed to be pleased by this newly minted vehicle. 他似乎很满意这辆新出厂的车。
He seemed to be pleased by this newly minted vehicle. 他似乎很满意这辆新出厂的车。
I've just minted a new word! 我刚造了一个新词!
A random salt that distinguished this stamp from any other one minted for the same resource and date. 将该戳记与其他所有人为相同的资源在同一日期生成的戳记区别开来的随机因子(salt)。
Also, once minted, I don't want a stamp to be shared among every spammer who wants to send me mail. 另外,一旦生成戳记,我不希望每一个想给我发送邮件的垃圾邮件制造者都能共享它。
The resource for which a stamp is minted. 戳记为哪个资源而生成。
The date ( and time) a stamp was minted. 生成戳记的日期(和时间)。
The decades-long nursing short has, in most areas, all but guaranteed a freshly minted nurse can find a job as soon as ( or even before) that diploma is in hand. 长达十年的护理行业的发展趋势是:在很多看护领域,即使是刚毕业的大学生,只要有文凭在手也可以马上找到工作(有的甚至还没毕业就找到了工作)。
In theory, investment bankers unselfishly introduce newly minted millionaires, post-float, to their private banking colleagues. 理论上,投资银行家无私地将公司上市后新出炉的百万富翁介绍给私人银行业的同行。
She was a newly minted schoolteacher. 她是一位新上任的老师。
And easily makes its founder Reid Hoffman a newly minted billionaire. 公司创始人里德·霍夫曼(ReidHoffman)不费吹灰之力成为了新的亿万富豪。
The self-styled prince Roy adopted a flag, chose a national anthem and minted silver and gold coins. 这位自封的罗伊王子选定了国旗、国歌还铸造了西兰银币和金币。
Mr Adler says this is particularly true of newly minted MBAs, or entry-level positions for recent college graduates. 阿德勒先生说,最近毕业的大学生,尤其是新崛起的工商管理硕士,或那些基础职位。
But it is undeniable that far more new millionaires and billionaires are being minted in countries such as India and China than in Europe. 但不可否认,印度和中国等国创造的新科百万富翁和亿万富翁,要远远多于欧洲。
A phrase that was minted for one occasion. 为某一场合创造的短语。
A small British coin worth six pennies; not minted since 1970. 一种价值为六便士的小型英国硬币;年铸造。
However, the coins were minted using an old version of the side of the coin featuring Queen Elizabeth II's head which does not carry the year. 而这批硬币印制时,错误地使用了旧样式,将英国女王伊丽莎白二世的头像印了上去,而漏掉了铸造年份。
The rate at which Bitcoins are minted is designed to mimic the extraction of minerals. 比特币的铸造速度模拟了矿产开发。
The silver which was mined there was minted into coins. 在那里开采的银子被用来铸成钱币。
The presidential coins would be minted at a rate of four presidents a year, starting with George Washington and working up to the modern day. 新的总统头像硬币将以每年四位总统的速度推出,从美国“国父”乔治·华盛顿总统开始,之后按时间顺序逐渐推到现代。
The poet minted several words that can't be found in any dictionary. 那位诗人臆造了几个哪本词典中也查不到的词。
Which live only in China, so China minted a Giant Panda Gold Coin. 这种动物仅生活在中国,所以我国专业些铸造大熊猫金币。
But Rahm Emanuel, Chicago's newly minted mayor, is determined to open a publicly-owned casino to help fill his empty coffers. 可现在,芝加哥市长伊曼纽尔拉姆新官上任,就决定开设一家公营赌场,来填充酿中羞涩钱袋子。
Don't send any money in for the Tokyo Tsunami Appeal, they are minted. 别给那什么日本海啸捐款活动钱!他们富得流油呢!
This phrase was minted for the occasion. 这个词语是为这一场合创造的。
Over a billion pennies were minted in1943. 1943年铸造了数十亿的美分。