When the children misbehaved she was unable to cope. 孩子们调皮捣蛋的时候她管不了。
When your children misbehave tell them without making them feel small. 孩子表现不佳时要让他们知道,但不能让他们自惭形秽。
If you misbehave yourself one more time, you'll be driven out of the room. 如果你再不守规矩,就把你赶出屋去。
Becky, you can't have that telephone today, but if you misbehave you can have a spanking. “贝基,今天不能买那个电话机,如果你再胡闹的话我就要打你屁股了。”妈妈皱起眉头握紧了我的手。
Everybody knows that sometimes, the IDE can misbehave. 每个人都知道IDE有时候会出错。
For various reasons, these programs might fail, hang up, or otherwise misbehave. 由于种种原因,这些程序可能会失败、挂起或行为异常。
Scientists and researchers have tried to find out why we misbehave when using social networking sites. 科学家和研究人员试图解密我们为何在使用社交媒体时会胡作非为。
This made her believe that many people misbehave for a reason and desire a second chance. 由此她明白了许多人犯错都是事出有因,他们也渴望有改过自新的机会。
When your kids misbehave, maybe you tell them to stop acting like a bunch of chimps. 当你的孩子举止不端时,你可能会说:“快停下来,你就像在一群黑猩猩里一样”。
Oh, I didn't ask Him to help me not misbehave, said Johnny. 强尼说:哦,我没有求她帮助我不要不乖;
Some kids misbehave to try to distract parents from the conflict. 有些孩子通过胡作非为来转移父母注意力以结束冲突。
If you ask God to help you not misbehave, He will help you. 如果你求上帝帮勘你不要不乖,她就会帮助你。
But do not be naive about this: retail banks can both misbehave and fail. 但别太天真:零售银行不仅会行为不当,而且还会倒闭。
I think you're trying very hard to misbehave. 我觉得你在努力让别人讨厌你。
You misbehave one more time I'll spank your bottom. 你要是再不听话,我就打你屁股了啊。
The first thing to remember now is that no one of us dare misbehave because we are angry. 现在要记得的首先是我们中间没有一个人胆敢因为愤怒而做出不当行为。
Don't misbehave yourself again! 可别再不守规矩啦!
When children misbehave, their parents shouldn't become angry. 孩子们举止失礼时,家长不应该发火。
Disciplining children seems simple enough. Reward them when they do well and punish them when they misbehave. 调教孩子似乎十分简单:表现好时给予奖励,表现不好时予以惩罚。
Nothing, for the wealthy countries dictated the rules of the game which became a license to misbehave. 什么都不能,因为富国规定着游戏规则,这成为它们行为不端的许可证。
They might sling you in prison if you misbehave. 如果你行为不端,他们可能会把你送进监狱。
If I regularly misbehave in class I will be sent to the principal to explain my behaviour and my parents will be contacted. 如果我屡教不改,我将会被送到校长室,为我的不良行为道歉,老师也会和家长联系。
If you ignore a dog it will misbehave too. 如果你忽略了一只狗,它会坏事。
I'll let you whip if I misbehave! 如果我对有冒犯,你可以挥动鞭子!
Teacher: and didn't I promise to punish you when you misbehave? 老师:还有,我是不是说过如果你表现不好就要处罚你?
Let's hope he doesn't misbehave. 我们希望他不要有什么冒失。
When the cat's away, the mice will play means people sometimes misbehave when there is no supervision. 猫儿不在,老鼠成精(Whenthecat'saway,themicewillplay),就是用来形容没有监管下,人们有时会不太约束自己的行为。
Dogs are very social, and they often misbehave when they spend too much time alone. 小狗非常喜欢交际,当它们独处太久时常会不守规矩。
But when they misbehave, they can give you a terrible headache. 但是当他们不乖时,你会觉得一个头两个大。
Q: Does visiting new cities give you more licence to misbehave? 参观新城市给你更多放纵行为的许可了吗?