For several thousand years that has worked, because governments and central banks have mismanaged money with impressive consistency. 几千年来这套模式一直有效,因为政府和中央银行在货币管理失误方面表现出了惊人的一致性。
Nothing was more likely than frictions among Europeans over how their money was being managed or mismanaged. 在欧洲人当中,没有什么事情比围绕他们的货币如何被管理(或不当管理)更容易引起摩擦了。
On the contrary, it is living with them. But its failures are of mismanaged peace, not war. 相反,西方正在经历精英失败,只是这些失败属于对和平管理不当,而不是引发战争的失败。
Mismanaged finance imposes fiscal costs that are not far short of world wars. 金融管理不善造成的财政代价,并不比世界大战带来的损失少很多。
The first panacea for a mismanaged nation is inflation of the currency; the second is war. 对于一个管理不善的国家而言论,首选的灵丹妙药就是通货膨胀;其次是战争。
The resulting jump in underwriting and trading fees has rescued even the most scandal-plagued and mismanaged firms from the brink of insolvency. 随之而来的承销及交易费用的跃升,甚至拯救了那些丑闻最多、管理不善的公司,使它们脱离了破产的边缘。
The company had been mismanaged for years. 那公司多年经营不善。
It feels cheated by Greece, Italy and others that mismanaged their economies and now demand Germany's help. 德国认为在帮助希腊,意大利和其他国家的经济管理不善和现实的需求中被骗了。
Just look back a year ago, when the EU mismanaged its response to the financial crisis. 只要回顾一下一年前欧盟错误处理金融危机应对方案的情形就明白了。
They mismanaged their public finances and delayed economic reforms needed to strengthen competitiveness. They tolerated private sector debt binges and reckless bank lending. They let at least one country – Greece – adopt the euro before it was ready. 是他们对本国财政管理不当,耽误了增强竞争力所必需的经济改革;是他们纵容私人部门的债务狂欢和银行业不计后果的放贷;是他们允许(至少是)希腊在准备就绪之前就启用欧元。
This can occur when anti-TB drugs are misused or mismanaged. 在抗结核药物被滥用或管理不当时可出现这种情况。
Mr Sanford, who says the commission is mismanaged ( it is broke), plans to sack its commissioners unless they provide him with better data on who is collecting unemployment benefits. 桑福德认为委员会管理不善(其意思就是该委员会快破产了),他盘算着开除这些委员,除非他们能拿出更令人信服的数据,来说明到底是哪些人在领取失业津贴。
Would it not be better to let mismanaged institutions go under, while protecting small depositors effectively? 在有效保护小储户的同时,让管理不善的机构倒下不是更好吗?
Take for instance a trader who sells short the stock of a company he feels is being mismanaged. 举例来说,某位交易员卖空了某公司的股票,因为他觉得那家公司经营不善。
Their relationship with the press had been badly mismanaged. 他们和新闻界的关系处理很非常不好。
More effort should be made to control and supervise cadres. The prison service has been badly mismanaged in recent years. 对干部的管理和监督要加强。近年来,监狱部门的管理极为不善。
XDR-TB can develop when these second-line drugs are also misused or mismanaged and therefore also become ineffective. 在这些二线药物也被滥用或管理不当并因此也变得无效时,可发展为广泛耐药结核。
Managed stress makes us productive and happy; mismanaged stress hurts and even kills us. 处理好压力能让我们做事效率倍增,心情愉快,处理得不好会伤身甚至危及生命。
The prison service has been badly mismanaged in recent years. 近年来,监狱部门的管理极为不善。
If these drugs are misused or mismanaged, multidrug-resistant TB ( MDR-TB) can develop. 如果这些药物被滥用或管理不当,则可发展为耐多药结核(MDR-TB)。
I know at first hand the problems that could arise if the situation is mismanaged. 我切身了解情况处置失当会引发的种种问题。
Yet the fact that this small, economically weak and chronically mismanaged country has been able to cause such difficulty also indicates the fragility of the structure. 然而,这个经济疲弱、长期管理不善的小国家造成了如此大的麻烦这一事实,也显示出欧元区结构的脆弱性。
Paul's grandfather did set up a family trust fund, but it's been horribly mismanaged. 保罗的祖父倒是立下了一笔家族信托基金,但管理得一塌湖涂。
The problems of disaster myopia, poor modelling, mismanaged diversification and excessive reliance on rating agencies stem more from failures of judgment by consultants, investment committees and pension fund trustees than systemic flaws. 灾难短视、糟糕的模型、多样化管理失当,以及对评级机构的过度依赖,这些问题更多产生自咨询机构、投资委员会和养老基金托管机构的判断失误,而非系统性瑕疵。
The1998 crisis affected mainly those countries that mismanaged their macro policies. 1998年的金融危机主要是政府宏观政策调空不善导致的。
If Mr Paulson and Mr Bernanke had taken over Lehman on their own initiative, there would have been an outcry in Congress against yet another handout to a manifestly mismanaged institution. 假如鲍尔森和伯南克当初主动接管了雷曼,那么当政府再一次向一家明显管理不善的机构伸出援手时,就会遭到国会的强烈反对。
The restaurant went bankrupt after being hopelessly mismanaged by a former rock musician with no business experience. 那家饭店在被一个没有管理经验的摇滚音乐家胡乱经营了一阵之后破产。
It could also be badly mismanaged. 这种崛起还可能被糟糕地处理失当。