Traditional Chinese absolute monarchic system had made traditional political changes get into a difficult situation and had fettered Chinese politics 'transition from traditional form to modern form. 传统中国的极端君主专制制度,使传统政治变迁陷入了困境,束缚了中国政治向现代的转变。
The arts students who get high scores in legislate, judicial, hierarchic and global style have high total score, the arts students who get high scores in monarchic style have low total score; 立法型、审判型、全局型、等级型思维风格得分愈高的学生文科总成绩得分愈高,专制型思维风格得分愈高的学生文科总成绩得分愈低;
The origin of the cabinet system of Ming Dynasty could be traced back to the conflicting process between the premier power and the monarchic power. 明代内阁制的缘起可追溯至相权与君权的斗争过程。
Zhuang Yuanzhang, the first emperor of Ming Dynasty, brought the female official system into his monarchic political system and took it as a measure to strengthen his monarchical power. 明太祖朱元璋将女官制度纳入君主专制的政治体制,并作为强化君权的措施。
So the destiny of traditional culture is to fit the existence and the maintenance and development of the monarchic politics. 以这样的价值结构作为理性内核,决定了中国传统文化完全能够适应君主政治存续和发展的基本需求。
For in the first place they favored the rise of monarchic power. 因为,第一,他们促进了王权的产生;
Secondly, the poverty of the thoughts of absolute monarchic powers and the rise of nationalism offered the advantage for the spreading of republicanism. 其次,中国古代君主制度下绝对君权理论的匮乏和近代民族主义的兴起,为清末民初共和思想的肇兴提供了便利;
But in the trouble of republican government, republicanism encountered the threat of monarchic thought. 但是,在民初共和制的困境下,思想界的君主立宪思潮发起了两次企图恢复君主制的复辟运动,共和主义的思想一度受到威胁。
This fact shows us that the monarchic and bureaucratic system of the Mycenaean world had collapsed in the Homeric age, the kingship began to decline and the aristocracy began to rise. 它们表明,迈锡尼时代的君主和官僚制度到荷马时代已经崩溃,并不强大的王权开始衰落、贵族政治逐渐兴起,古典时代的希腊城邦已经萌芽。
The monarchic power thoughts of Xunzi is the embryo of Chinese feudalist law theory. 荀子的君权思想和礼法观可谓中国封建正统法律思想的雏形。
In order to achieve complete victory, the Revolution should be led by industrialists and allied with the monarchic power to build the new industrial society peacefully. 要完成革命就应该在实业家的领导下,结合王权的力量,以和平的方式建立起新的实业社会。
For the endless ages of monarchic power, the feudal emperors talked the law into their own hands, the common people suffered injustice, consigned the hope to the emperor then, accusing somebody before the emperor become the basic mode to all ages fight for fair. 在漫长的君权至上时代,封建皇帝言出法随,老百姓有了冤屈不得伸雪,便把希望寄托给最高统治者,告御状成为古往今来中国人争取公平的基本模式。
The Confucianism reformed by Dong Zhongshu fits the needs of Han Dynasty to maintain monarchic absolutism and realize the unified whole. Meanwhile it is immediately combined with political reality, which earns itself the dominant position in ideology. 儒家政治思想经过董仲舒的改造,适应了汉代维护君主专制、实现大一统的需要,并且更直接地与现实政治相结合,取得了思想界的统治地位。