Feudal and monarchical maladies no longer run in our blood. 在我们的血液里已不再存在封建制和君主制的病害。
Those who have lived under despotic monarchical power will understand Confucius saying, A brutal monarch is even worse than a tiger. 生活在暴虐的专制统治下的人们很容易理解孔子的苛政猛于虎也这句话。
But this threat of violence has never really given effective protection to monarchical power. 但是,武力的威胁并没有真正有效地保护皇权。
Under monarchical rule the people had only duties without rights; the emperors word was law. 在专制政权之下,人民只有义务而没有权利,皇帝的话就是法律。
There was a weak point, however, in this centralized monarchical system. He who held power, the emperor, as I have said, could not administer the country by himself. 不过,这种集权的专制统治有一个弱点,正如我说的那样,掌握政权的皇帝,不能独自管理国家。
In the context of the Chinese despotism, royal, monarchical and imperial authorities have not anything different in nature but in form. 王权、君权和皇权在中华专制主义的语境中只具有一种形态差异,而没有实质差异。
During the monarchical time, they were the social group with cohesion and creativity to combat and compromise with king, they established British parliamentary system. 在与王权的斗争与妥协中,引导着英国议会制度的建立与发展。
The monarchical period established an essential background for the writing prophets of the bible. 王国时期为圣经的写作先知建立了基本的背景。
Under monarchical system, Confucianism enjoyed unique privileges and there was a high degree of unity between divine and monarchical rights. 儒教享有君主制下独占的特权,神权皇权高度统一。
Do you think that the monarchical ingredients which are more prevalent in other governments, have purged them from all foul stains? Their histories assert the contrary. 你是否认为在其它政府中占优势的君主成分已经使那些政府清除了所有的污点?他们的历史证实恰恰相反。
My honorable friend's proposition is in fact this: that our monarchical and aristocratically institutions have no hold on the public mind of England; 我的尊敬的朋友的论据事实上是:我国的君主贵族制度对英国公众的思想没有约束力;
They began to aspire to throw off monarchical tutelage. 他们开始渴望摆脱君主政体的监护。
The Declaration represented a repudiation of the pre-Revolutionary monarchical regime. Monarchy used to be based on divine right. 这一宣言代表了对大革命前的君主政体的批判。在过去,君主政体习惯建立在王授神权的基础上。
Think of the Pentagon, for example, as a monarchical force in global military affairs, acting often as it does with unilateral decision. 比如,我们可以将五角大楼比作全球军事事务中的君主式力量,因为它常常采取单边行动。
The notion of a mixed constitution that involves collaboration between global monarchical and aristocratic forces is a good introduction to the concept of imperial sovereignty. 认为帝国主权是一种混合性构成,涉及全球君主性力量和贵族性力量的协作和融合的观点是理解帝国主权这一概念的很好入门途径。
Americans have always been in two minds about the monarchical principle. 美国民众历来对于君主制原则持有两种看法。
In effect, US unilateralism aims to break the constant collaboration between monarchical and aristocratic forces that we said is characteristic of Empire, asserting the autonomy of the global monarch. 实际上,美国的单边主义旨在打破我们前面在提到帝国特性时所说的君主式和贵族式力量的不断协作和融合,而强调全球君主的自主权。
The Economy of Buddhist Temple and the Society of Monarchical Power in Middle Ancient Period 中古佛教寺院经济与世俗王权社会
Monarchical Power Construction of the Legality Faith and Dependence on "Heaven"& based on the View of Li The Order Concept of Chinese Traditional Law under Rule of Rites 天道观念下中国君权的合法性建构基于礼的视角礼治模式下中国传统法律的秩序观以唐律中侵害皇权罪为中心
In ancient China, monarchical power transfer was directly related to the late monarch's obsequies. 中国古代的君权交替过程与故君的丧礼有直接关系。
It's structured on monarchical and imperial ideas of politics. 是君主制和帝国政治。
Zhuang Yuanzhang, the first emperor of Ming Dynasty, brought the female official system into his monarchic political system and took it as a measure to strengthen his monarchical power. 明太祖朱元璋将女官制度纳入君主专制的政治体制,并作为强化君权的措施。
These reforms conform to the historical trend of the times, and bring to new power to the political development of the monarchical states. 这些变革和改良在一定程度上顺应了时代潮流,并为君主国的政治发展提供了新动力。
Yeshi revived the structure by criticizing the monarchical power; 叶适则批判专权,予以修正;
Second, nationalism functioning on the change of international pattern by negating and surpassing other ideologies, such as Middle Ages religion cosmopolitanism, feudal monarchical power, and the two main ideologies: capitalism and socialism. 民族主义通过对其他意识形态如中世纪宗教普世性意识形态、封建王权意识形态及资本主义和社会主义两大意识形态的否定和超越影响了国际格局的转型。
Dong Zhongshu attempted to restrict the monarchical power borrowing the authority of "Heaven" to remedy its structure; 董仲舒等人企图借天的权威来制约君权,作结构性的补救;
During the feudal society in West Europe, the relationship between clerical power and monarchical power is rather complicated. 在西欧封建社会中,教权与君权的关系错综复杂,从时间上看,两者的强弱在斗争中互有消长;
As an instrument of monarchical power centralization, it also displayed the drawbacks inherent in the monarchical system. 但由于它是为君主服务的,因而也带有君主制度固有的一些弊端。
He demonstrated legitimacy of monarchical power by god establishing a monarchy for the people. 他以天立君为民论证君权的合法性,从而为其治民思想提供本体依据。
This was a tragedy in the monarchical society. 这是皇权社会下的悲剧。