And, more sheepishly, what about all the beautiful monogrammed gifts we received? 更令人为难的是,我们收到的那些嵌有名字的漂亮礼物怎么办?
An image of a monogrammed bottle of perfume then appears, along with details of how to buy it. 然后,屏幕上就会出现一瓶印有首字母花押字的香氛,以及如何购买它的具体信息。
Many practical gifts can be personalized to make them more special, such as an engraved key chain with her initials or a monogrammed laptop case. 而且,实用型礼物也可以很有个性,比如在钥匙链上刻上她名字的首字母,或在电脑包包上印有花押字样。
It helped her to lmaglne thelr future Monogrammed towels. 这有助于她幻想他们的未来。
The backpack was monogrammed. I stitched it myself. 那个背包印着字母图案,是我亲手绣的。
The set of bath towels you personally monogrammed for us is beautiful. 那套有你亲手绣着我们名字的浴巾美极了。
My friend Murphy has her grandmother's monogrammed crocodile Asprey bag from the 1940s and it's very chic. 我的朋友墨菲(Murphy)有她祖母的花押字鳄鱼皮Asprey包,40年代的包还很时髦。
He is also a fastidious dresser, wearing Monogrammed shirts and keeping his moustache attentively trimmed ( although his mother last week noted that he needed a haircut). 他还是个挑剔的着装者,穿着绣字的衬衫,胡子总是精心修剪过(不过他妈妈最近指出,他该理发了)。
Travelers can choose from among hundereds of monogrammed luggage pieces, which range in price from$ 2,600 for a cosmetic case to$ 70,000 for a custom made wardrobe trunk. 旅行者们可以依照自己的实际使用情况,挑选价格从2600美元到7万美元不等的任意产品。
Leather pads are rolled out when presenting handbags and monogrammed Gucci robes can be found in the dressing rooms. 在展示手袋时,会铺开原料皮垫,而在更衣室则配备了缀有gucci字母的长衣。
The gold stars and monogrammed M painted on the floor remind me of an Old Hollywood dressing room. Also, as the floor gets more wear and tear, it'll just look better in a vintage way. 地板上由金色的星星和字母组合的M让我想起了一些老式好莱坞的更衣室,就像地板上有汗水和泪水的磨损,这只是想要以更好的方式看起来老式一点。
Wearing a monogrammed dress shirt and tie, he looks, as always, serious and professional. 穿着考究的衬衫,打领带,他看起来一如既往的认真和专业。
Inside, on a Monday evening in late January, only a few members drifted over the red, monogrammed carpets, but it was still early, only a little after seven. 1月下旬的某个星期一晚上,建筑的内部,寥寥数位会员流连在织着字母的红色地毯上,不过现在时间还早,才刚过七点。