Perhaps, however, Mr MacAskill's moralising is merely rhetorical chaff, thrown up to disguise the realpolitik that lay behind the release. 但是,迈克阿斯克尔先生的布道或许仅仅是仓促间为掩饰背后的现实政治而做的官样文章。
But the larger problem was the panic that swept over Europe and theeasy moralising that financial crises evoke. 但更大的问题在于席卷欧洲的恐慌,以及金融危机引发的轻率的道德指责。
Indeed, most of the world is bemused by Western moralising on Georgia. 实际上,世界上大部分地区都为西方在格鲁吉亚问题上的说教感到困惑。
Forget all the moralising about the treatment of Chinese workers. 忘记所有关于中国工人待遇的道德说教吧。