Suckers, on the other hand, have a tube-like mouthpart called a proboscis that allows them to get liquid by sucking or lapping, whether from the nectar of flowers or from a soda can. 而吸收式口器则有一个管状叫做“喙”的部分,它可以让昆虫通过吸或舔的方式获得水分,不论是从花的花蜜中还是从汽水瓶都可以。
Study on the Family Category of Heteromera and Mouthpart Structure of Some Species from China ( Coleoptera: Polyphaga); 中国异跗节类昆虫的科级阶元与部分种类的口器表征(鞘翅目:多食亚目)
First, we discuss the functionality of oral secretions of herbivores in the defense of plants, since plant damages are resulted from both herbivore mouthpart chawing ( or piercing) and oral secretions. 因为植食性昆虫取食造成的植物损伤是与昆虫口腔分泌物共同作用的结果,所以首先阐述口腔分泌物在防御反应中的作用。
The seine on the inner margin of the mouthpart ( the 1st and 2nd maxillula, 1st and 2nd maxillipeds) change increasingly short, stout, then change to serrulate setae. 口器(第1,2小颚、第1,2颚足)内缘组成漏斗的刚毛随着发育逐步由羽状刚毛变短、变粗,直至成为细齿状刚毛;
Following the method and nomenclature of previous studies with some addition, the posterior surface of mouthpart is divided into 12 areas, and the sensillae are described in the order of area number. 参考以前的研究方法及命名并略做修改,将中华稻蝗上唇&唇基区后面分成12个区域并按照区域的顺序对感受器的类型及分布进行描述。
They live on plant juice with their sucking mouthpart piercing into leaves of branches, which cause harm to the host. 它们主要以刺吸式口器吸取植物的汁液为食,对寄主植物造成危害。
Research on mouthpart morphology could provide insight on the feeding mechanism of insects. 口器形态的研究可以为研究昆虫取食机制提供思路。
Whereas studies on the mouthpart morphology and the fine structures of the mouthparts in Cicadellidae are relatively few. 目前对叶蝉科昆虫口器的形态和超微结构研究很少。