Today, multiprocessor systems are cheap and plentiful, nearly every major microprocessor has built-in support for multiprocessing, and many support dozens or hundreds of processors. 现在,多处理器系统很便宜,而且数量很多,几乎每个主要微处理器都内置了多处理支持,其中许多系统支持数十个或数百个处理器。
But now, twenty years later, multiprocessing has returned to these same personal computer systems through symmetric multiprocessing. 但是到了二十年后的现在,多处理利用对称多处理技术又回到了个人计算机系统中。
This is one way to use PHP to advantage on a multiprocessing host. 这是在多处理器主机中良好应用PHP的一种方法。
Such hardware may not be suited to multiprocessing, a large memory footprint, or significant demands on physical storage. 这类硬件可能不支持多处理、大量内存占用或对物理存储的大量需求。
While the limitation of the GIL with threading was once thought to be a weakness, Python has more than made up for it by including an extremely powerful and flexible multiprocessing library. 尽管GIL对线程的限制曾经被认为是一个弱点,但是通过包含强大灵活的多进程库,Python不仅弥补了这个弱点,而且还得到了增强。
That's the idea behind tightly-coupled multiprocessing ( also called multi-core computing). 这正是紧密耦合多处理(也称作多核计算)背后的思想。
Because that call will block normally, you then import the multiprocessing library and run it using Process. 由于调用一般都会进行阻塞,因此需要导入多进程库并使用Process运行它。
While multiprocessing systems were being developed, technologies also advanced the ability to shrink the processors and operate at much higher clock rates. 在开发多处理系统的同时,各种技术的使用也提高了缩小处理器体积和运行更快的时钟频率的能力。
Note that the subprocess module can also be used to fork processes, albeit in a less sophisticated way than the multiprocessing module. 注意,子进程模块也可用于fork进程,但是实现方式没有多进程模块那么复杂。
Tightly-coupled multiprocessing refers to chip-level multiprocessing ( CMP). 紧密耦合多处理指芯片级多处理(CMP)。
One of the main differences is that processes have subtle underlying behavior that a high-level API will never be able to completely abstract away. You can read more about this in the official documentation for the multiprocessing module ( see the Resources section). 主要区别之一就是进程拥有的一些微妙的底层行为,这是高级API永远无法完全抽象出来的。可以从多进程模块的官方文档中了解有关这方面内容(参见参考资料小节)。
As stated earlier, most modern processors include support for multiprocessing. 如前所述,大多数现代处理器都包含对多处理的支持。
Before discussing the application of multiprocessing in Linux, let's take a quick look back at the history of multiprocessing. 在开始讨论Linux中的多处理应用程序之前,我们先来快速地回顾一下多处理的历史。
On the other side are the technological advances made in the platform, including architectures ( multiprocessing, symmetric multithreading, non-uniform memory access [ NUMA]) and virtualization. 另一方面,它要考虑平台方面的技术进步,包括架构(多处理、对称多线程、非一致内存访问[NUMA]和虚拟化)。
Today, chip-level multiprocessing provides more CPUs on a single chip, permitting even greater performance due to reduced memory latency. 现在,芯片级多处理能够在单个芯片上提供更多的CPU,由于减少了内存延迟,因而可获得更高的性能。
While the multiprocessing module was used as an easy way to explain MapReduce, this exact code can be slightly modified to run on some other MapReduce cloud. 使用多处理模块是为了便于解释MapReduce,但是这段代码只需稍加修改,就可以在其他一些MapReduce云上运行。
A software flag, by which processors in a multiprocessing system interrupt each other. 一种软件标志,在多处理机系统中,处理机之间可以根据这种标志相互中断。
Proposing an Effective Scheduling Algorithm Based on Feedback Control for Multiprocessing Systems 基于反馈控制的多处理器任务调度算法
This course provides knowledge to optimize codes under multi-core and multiprocessing environment. 本课程介绍如何在多核及多进程环境下优化程序代码。
Multiprocessing system is a computer system employing two or more interconnected processing units to execute programs. 多重处理系统是一种计算机系统,是用两个或多个相互连接的处理器,同时执行多个程序。
In multiprocessing, a programming technique used to prevent access to critical data by both processing units at the same time. 在多重处理技术中,防止两个处理机同时存取关键性数据而使用的一种程序设计技术。
High-availability multiprocessing systems are generally interactive, often with never-fail real-time on-line performance requirements. 高利用率的多处理机系统一般是交互式的,而且常要求具有无故障、实时、在线性能。
RTU is an real-time UNIX operating system supporting multiprocessing. Its memory management implements swapping and paging. RTU是支持多处理机环境的实时UNIX操作系统,在存储管理上实现了对换和请页。
A Multiprocessing Knowledge Base System 一个多处理知识库系统
This paper introduces a kind of video terminal based on real-time multiprocessing operating system kernel. It mainly focuses on system architecture and key methods to program on real-time multiprocessing operating system. 介绍一种基于实时多处理器操作系统内核的视频终端设计,其中主要介绍了终端的系统结构和基于实时多处理器操作系统内核下本系统的关键编程技术。
In the implementation, we used the multiprocessing method in QNX to analyze the general flow chart of system, and divided the realization of dual downstream channel into three modules. 在具体实现上采用了QNX的多进程编程思想,对整个系统的流程进行了分析设计,将双下行信道的实现分为三个大的模块进行讨论。
A Hybrid Parallel Genetic Algorithm based on multiprocessing DSP systems has been designed and implemented for solve the TSP problem. 本文研究了组合优化领域中的巡回旅行商问题,在此基础上首先通过设计实现混合并行遗传算法来解决该问题,其次对在双DSP处理器系统上实现算法进行了研究实践。
Research of Video Terminal Based on Real-time Multiprocessing Operating System Kernel 基于实时多处理器操作系统内核的视频终端研究
This paper is based on multiprocessing and multithreading program architecture, puts emphasis on rapid decomposition processing and log recording technology research of meteorological file, and do testing and verification to research result in the test run before the Asian Games opening. 本文基于多进程、多线程的程序架构,重点研究了各类气象报文的快速分解处理和日志记录技术,并通过亚运前期的试运行对研究结果进行了测试和验证。