He complained of being muzzled by the chairman 他抱怨主席不让他发言。
From this secret conflict, always muzzled, but always growling, was born armed peace, that ruinous expedient of civilization which in the harness of the European cabinets is suspicious in itself. 从这种经常忍气而不尽吞声的暗斗中产生了武装和平??一种连文明自身也信不过的殃民办法。
He would have ridden that hobby-horse in the2000 campaign, according to Joe Klein in "Politics Lost", if his political consultants had not muzzled him. 乔克•莱恩在其《迷失的政治》中提到,当时如果戈尔的政治参谋们没有捂紧他的嘴巴,那他就会在2000年的选举战中大侃环保。
Dangerous dogs should be muzzled. 凶狗应给其带上口套。
A donkey in a mill& his mouth muzzled. 磨房的驴子&笼住嘴了。
All dogs are supposed to be muzzled and on leads in the streets. 所有的狗在上街时都要戴上嘴套并有人牵着。
Those people who are deemed to be suitable owners will be required to keep'dangerous'category dogs muzzled and on leads in public. 那些饲养“凶猛犬”品种名单内狗的狗主如果要把狗带到公共场所,需要为狗带上口罩及使用牵狗绳。
Such a fierce animal ought to is muzzled. 这动物太凶,应该给它戴上口套。
Mouths are as muzzled as minds. 学生的嘴巴也像头脑一样被封住了。
The newspapers were effectively muzzled by strict censorship laws. 严厉的新闻审查法有效地使那些报纸沉默了下来。
Those who know the truth have been muzzled by those in power. 那些了解真相的人为掌权者所箝制。
The press has been muzzled, the judiciary largely controlled, opposition political parties barely exist. 新闻界受到钳制,司法基本上受到控制,反对党几乎不存在。