But what we've seen is state intervention of absolutely unbelievable dimensions bank nationalisations, government deficits increasing by billions and billions of euros and this was the right thing to do, he said. 但是,我们看到的是其力度绝对令人难以置信的国家干预银行国有化,政府赤字数十亿、数十亿欧元地增加这是正确的做法,他表示。
They promptly engaged in a frenzy of nationalisations of banks and industrial companies. 他们立即着手疯狂地对银行和工业企业进行国有化。
The move raises the possibility that international banks, most of whom fled following nationalisations under military rule in the 1970s, may return to snap up Nigerian banks with networks across West Africa as a bridgehead for wider expansion. 此举将会提升国际银行重返尼日利亚抢购该国银行的可能性,因为西非的网络是更广泛扩张的据点。在上世纪70年代军事规定命令国有化之后,这些银行中的大多数都逃离了该国。
Some investors have been scared off by nationalisations and arbitrary regulation. 一些投资者被国有化和专横通知吓怕了。
The collapse of Lehman, the buy-up of Merrill Lynch and the nationalisations of Fannie, Freddie and AIG were obvious landmarks. 雷曼破产,美林(merrilllynch)出售,房利美、房地美和aig国有化,都是明显的标志性事件。