Nearby, nestling in the hills, was the children's home 孩子们的家就在附近的山里。
Across hills and rivers, they walked more than two hundred kilometres and arrived at a little hamlet nestling in the green mountains. 他们跋山涉水,步行二百余公里,来到了一个青山环抱的小村庄。
She was sobbing and nestling close against him. 她抽泣着向他靠了过去。
She lay In bed with her baby's head nestlIng In sleep agaInst her breast. 她躺在床上婴儿依偎在她的怀里睡着了。
The baby cried out in its dream, nestling close to its mother. 婴儿在梦中哭了,挨向他的母亲。
I have travelled a great deal and seen great sights, but none more charming than this tiny village cheerfully nestling at the foot of the hill which shelters it. 我旅行过不少地方,看见过很多壮丽的景色,但是没有看到过比这个恬静地坐落在山脚下的小乡村更优美的地方了。
At this age, they should be studying and nestling in the arms of their parents. 这个年龄的孩子,应该还在学校读书,应该还在父母的怀里撒娇。
When the researchers broadcast a foreign nestling call at the nests, both the female and male adult birds refused to feed the chicks. 当研究人员在鸟巢内播放其他鸟巢的雏鸟叫声,雌性和雄性鸟都拒绝给雏鸟喂食。
This heartwarming photograph, of an eight-day-old baby nestling in for a sleep with four five-week-old puppies, was five hours in the making. 这张温馨的照片是一个八天大的婴儿与四只五周大的小狗一起睡觉的照片,拍摄共花了五个小时。
One of the peaks soars in the center of the painting, nestling majestically between the other two. 山的峰巅落笔在画面的中心点,在其馀两峰之间。
You will be attached to the feeling of nestling up to your lover; 你将眷恋那份被你爱人关注的感觉;
As long as they are nestling comfortably under the US security umbrella, Europeans will continue to inhabit a postmodern Utopia in which the only thing to do with defence spending is to cut it and the only power worth talking about is of a distinctly soft variety. 只要欧洲人安逸地躲在美国的安全保护伞之下,就会继续活在自己的后现代乌托邦里,对国防开支的唯一做法就是削减,唯一值得谈论的实力是绝对的软实力。
Typical for rural Iceland are the isolated valley farms nestling against mountains. 依山坐落、孤立的山谷农庄是冰岛农村的一个特色。
Mementoes on 4 Years of Excursions for Drawing Ancient Mei Trees across China; Across hills and rivers, they walked more than two hundred kilometres and arrived at a little hamlet nestling in the green mountains. 两万里路风和雪跋山涉水绘古梅他们跋山涉水,步行二百余公里,来到了一个青山环抱的小村庄。
Without their services, the mail may never reach many remote villages and hamlets, perched atop ridges or nestling at the edge of icy brooks. 没有他们的服务,信件可能永远都无法到达许多坐落在山脊上或位于冰冻的小溪边的那些偏远村庄和部落。
One feels good nestling like a baby on its breast. 一个人象婴孩那样地偎依在它的怀中时,是觉得很舒服的。
Faber passed through Crawford, nestling in green hills. 费伯穿过绿山环抱的克劳福。
An unfledged or nestling hawk. It is a bird in full feather. 羽毛未丰或未离巢的鹰。它是一只羽毛丰满的鸟。
The sere vines, the old trees, and nestling crows. 枯藤、老树和正在安顿下来的乌鸦。
Are there no rosy sunsets today and no rainbows and no haze nestling over villages, and are there no falling cataracts and gurgling streams and shady trees? 落日的余晖、虹影和轻雾,今日不再笼罩在村落上了吗?世界上不再有直泻的瀑布、潺潺的流水,和多荫的树木了吗?
And ever and again, her wandering glance reverted to the frail atom of humanity nestling by her side. 她一次又一次地回过头来看着蜷缩在身边的那个脆弱的小生命。
Someone was turning over papers, making a nestling noise. 有谁在那里翻着什么纸张,悉悉窣窣的。
An unfledged or nestling hawk. 羽毛未丰或未离巢的鹰。
The nestling of pond heron possessed larger speed than the one of little egret in the growth of the weight, length and the different segments of body. 在体重、体长和相应的各部位比较中,池鹭比白鹭具备更大的生长速度。
I took off mother's glasses holding in hand, nestling face to mother's icy cheek, my tears run down as rain. 我把母亲的眼镜摘下来握在手中,将脸贴在母亲冰冷的脸颊,我泪如雨下。
Suddenly, as if awakened by some prompting, I rushed to a small room there that was forsaken and used as a storeroom for odds and ends. I pushed the door open and, as I expected, found him nestling in the dusty sundries. 我恍然大悟似的,便跑向少有人去的一间堆积杂物的小屋去,推开门,果然就在尘封的什物堆中发现了他。
The house was detached but had other houses nestling against it on both sides. 这幢房子是独立的,但有其他的房子坐落在它两边。
Nestling birds is an altrices, compared to the ibis, the yellow-billed stork has a lot of specificity in the growth and development which close to the storks. 雏鸟属晚成鸟,但与鹮类相比,在生长发育上有特异性,更接近于鹳。
Nestling against a wooded hill and overlooking the Yangtse river, it is now a beautiful park that merges harmoniously into the magnificent riverside scenery. 傍山依水,古树森森,秀丽的园林和长江浑然一体,景色雄奇瑰丽。