But I did make it through the night and early in the morning the neurosurgeon decided to operate. 但那晚我挺了过来,第二天清晨神经外科医生决定给我动手术。
If this were not bad enough, the neurosurgeon further shocked my family by telling them what life would be like for me if I beat the odds and survived. He said I probably would never walk, talk, or be able to understand even simple commands. 然后他还雪上加霜地告诉我的家人,向他们描述如果我万幸活下来将面临怎样的生活&我可能再也不会走路了,不会说话了,甚至不能理解一些极其简单的命令。
According to the Marvel website, the Doctor Strange movie will tell the story of neurosurgeon Doctor Stephen Strange who, after a horrific car accident, discovers the hidden world of magic and alternate dimensions. 漫威官网宣布,《奇异博士》电影将会讲述神经外科医生StephenStrange,他在经历过一场可怕的车祸后发,发现了一个魔法隐秘世界。
In fact it's surprising if we meet, say, a Miranda Brain and she turns out to be a neurosurgeon. 事实上,如果我们认识的一个叫MirandaBrain(大脑)的女士是一名神经外科医生,那我们会相当惊讶。
OBJECTIVE: Treatment of posterior circulation aneurysms poses a great technical challenge for the practicing neurosurgeon. 目的:后循环动脉瘤的治疗是当今神经外科医师所共同面临的一个巨大的技术挑战。
Conclusion In the treatment of craniocerebral injury, it is necessary to emphasize the cooperation of ophthalmologist and neurosurgeon, and seize the proper time of treatment. 结论治疗颅脑外伤合并视神经损伤,眼科和神经外科医生需密切配合,掌握救治视神经损伤的最佳时机。
In March, Khalid Nasir al-Miyahi, the only neurosurgeon in Basra and a professor at the city's university, was kidnapped and murdered, his body left on the streets. 3月,巴士拉的唯一一位神经外科医生兼该市一所大学的教授KhalidNasiral-Miyahi被绑架和谋杀。他的尸体被抛在了街上。
Conclusion: An artificial neural network may provide a useful "second opinion" to assist neurosurgeon to predict outcome after traumatic brain injury. 结论:我们认为此一类神经网路可作为神经外科医师为头部外伤病患进行预后预测之参考。
Their neurosurgeon is standing by. 他们的神经外科医生已经在待命了。
His desperate parents were referred to William Beecher Scoville, a neurosurgeon at Hartford Hospital. 走投无路之下,父母找到了哈特福特医院的神经外科医生斯考维勒。
A Chinese neurosurgeon claims to have successfully used cells from aborted foetuses to treat people with conditions such as spinal cord injuries and multiple sclerosis. 一位中国神经外科医生声称,利用流产胎儿的细胞,他能够成功地治疗诸如脊髓损伤和多发性硬化症病人。
As costs mounted, Rob's doctor suggested a procedure called gamma knife surgery, which no neurosurgeon in their network performed. 就在开支不断增长之时,Rob的医生建议施行伽玛刀手术,而在他们网络里没有一位神经科医生会做这种手术。
The neurosurgery resident program is the only way for neurosurgeon to grow up, and it is also the efficient plan to improve the out-of-order status in training of academic neurosurgery in our country. 神经外科住院医师培训计划是神经外科医师成长的必由之路,也是改变我国目前专科医师培训混乱状况的有效方法。
The degree of aneurysm occlusion was determined by the operating endovascular neurosurgeon at the time of the procedure. 动脉瘤栓塞的程度由进行血管内栓塞的神经外科医师在手术过程中评估。
Paediatric neurosurgeon Ian Pople, one of the lead researchers, said he hoped the technique would soon be used in the NHS. 儿神经外科医生伊恩·波普尔是带头研究人员之一,他说他希望这项手术技术不久将会用于国家医疗服务系统。
The complex of the vertebral artery ( VA) lies in the suboccipital region, because of its deep location and many vital structures involved, the neurosurgeon must master the anatomy, and the adjacent relationships of the VA complex. 位于枕下区域的椎动脉(Thevertebralartery,VA)复合体,因其部位深在,并包含许多重要结构,因此要求神经外科医生必须掌握此部位的详细解剖结构及毗邻关系。
Background: The treatment for the ventral lesions of the foramen magnum is still a challenge for the neurosurgeon, due to their deep location and complicated anatomical relationship with the surrounding structures. 研究背景枕骨大孔腹侧病变因其位置深、周围毗邻解剖关系复杂,并有重要的结构,该区病变的治疗一直是神经外科具有挑战性的课题。
Conclusion In dealing with sellar region tumors, a full understanding of the anatomy of the sellar region including hypophyseal 4 anatomic spaces and hypophyseal blood supply is of key importance for a neurosurgeon to obtain a higher tumor resecting rate and low mortality rate. 结论在经翼点入路行鞍区肿瘤的显微手术中,熟练掌握鞍区四个解剖间隙及垂体血供的显微解剖,是提高全切率、降低死亡及复发率的关键。
Conclusions Neurosurgeon should pay sufficient attention to the diagnosis and treatment of optic nerve injury caused by head injury, strive for diagnosing early and treatment on time. 结论对颅脑外伤性视神经损伤的诊断、治疗,神经外科医生应有足够的重视,争取早期诊断,及时治疗。
Conclusion In our experience, the keyhole approach together with endoscope-assisted microsurgery and CSF drainage is a safe and effective approach for an experienced neurosurgeon to use in the treatment of supratentorial aneurysms. 结论锁孔入路结合内镜辅助显微外科技术和脑脊液引流,是有经验的神经外科医生用于治疗前循环动脉瘤安全和有效的方法。
Neurosurgeon should pay more attention on intelligence and memory dysfunction on patients with intracranial tumors. 神经外科医生在术前术后均应该重视颅内肿瘤患者存在的智力和记忆的损害。