We cannot accept any more orders because we are working at full stretch to complete the existing ones. Besides, women who are capable have no problem carving a nich for themselves in this time and age. 我们不能再接受订货单了,因为我们正全力以赴完成现有的订货单。再说,现代经济结构让有工作能力的女性找到自己的一片天。
Spatial and temporal quantification of nich overlap and nich breadth were employed to analyze the change of pest insects and their natural enemies in the two kinds of different cornfields. 3采用群落生态学方法,从空间和时间上进行了生态位重叠度及生态位宽度的定量估计,分析了两类不同玉米地害虫和天敌的变化规律。