ADJ-GRADED 无动于衷的;漠不关心的 If you describe someone as nonchalant, you mean that they appear not to worry or care about things and that they seem very calm.
Clark's mother is nonchalant about her role in her son's latest work... 克拉克的母亲对自己在儿子最新作品中的角色漠不关心。
Denis tried to look nonchalant and uninterested... 丹尼斯竭力表现出漠不关心、不感兴趣的样子。
It merely underlines our rather more nonchalant attitude to life. 这仅仅是更凸显了我们相当漠然的生活态度。
Very matter of factly, and as if they had been well trained for just such an eventuality, the two young ladies followed him back to his room and nonchalantly picked up and removed the deceased rat. 典型的再典型不过了,这两个姑娘好像早就接受过应对如此不测的培训,跟着Jeff去了他的房间,满不在乎地捡走了死老鼠。
Asked for the secret of her longevity, the great-grandmother responded nonchalantly, 'I wonder about that too.' 被问到长寿秘诀时,这位117岁高龄的老奶奶淡定的回答:我也想知道呢。
As I watched, they nonchalantly came and stood in line in front of me. 在我的眼皮底下,她们若无其事地站到我前面。
This is the air pump, it's used for going up and down, Tan explained, adding nonchalantly: I haven't installed any kind of escape device. 这是空气泵,用来控制上浮和下沉。谭解释道,并且毫不在意补充道:我没有安装任何逃生设备。
Ku said, "Let me go and show you how it's done," and with that he strode nonchalantly across; he then stood on the bridge's buttress and called to the others to come over. 顾先生道:让我走个样子给你们看,从容不迫过了桥,站在桥堍,叫他们过来。
One more cobra emerged from a pond where village women washed their pots and nonchalantly made its way under a nearby house. 那边又有一只眼镜蛇从水塘里钻出来,若无其事地爬向附近的一处人家,而此时村里的妇女们正在这个水塘边洗着瓶瓶罐罐。
At a nearby lakeside pub, moonshine is dispensed and a goat wanders nonchalantly among the drinkers. 在附近的一家湖边酒馆,月光泄地,一只山羊在饮者中漠不关心地闲逛。
Da C á mara found in front of him a slender child with blonde page-boy hair and blue eyes, dressed in overalls, which she wore as nonchalantly as if she had no other clothes. 她身体纤瘦,一头金黄的齐肩短发(page-boyhair女子的发梢向内的齐肩发型),蓝蓝的眼睛,身穿一件大罩衫&她对此毫不在意,仿佛她没有别的衣服了。
He ambled nonchalantly over to the phone. 他冷漠地缓步走向电话。
The surgeon lowered his smoking gun and turned nonchalantly to the pathologist beside him," Go and see if it is a duck, okay?" “嘣”一声枪响,外科医生放下枪口还在冒烟的猎枪,扭过头,面无表情地对在身边的病理学家说:“去看看那是不是一只野鸭,可以吗?”
The boatman stopped the motor and we watched the animal nonchalantly munch on the husky fruit. 船夫关了马达,我们看到这些家伙旁若无人,连皮带肉地大嚼水果。
Again Tu Wei-yueh smiled nonchalantly and remained silent. 屠维岳依然冷幽幽地微笑,总是不说话。