The Identification of Sports Noumenon Industry and Its Developing Model 体育本体产业的界定与发展模式探讨
The contemporary school moral education has been diverting the standard moral education that keeps far away from the life to the life noumenon. 生生不已而含情契理&方东美的生命本体论探微当代学校德育从远离生命的规范德育向生命本体回归。
Both of the noumenon and metaphor object have deep characteristic, they are similar in form and alike in spirit. 其喻的本体与喻体大都具有形似与神似浑然天成且情趣盎然的深层特色。
And the key value principle all throughout is man as the noumenon. 以人为本是贯穿其中的核心价值原则。
The aesthetic thought taking 'imagination' as noumenon always has held the leading position in China. 以意象为本体的美学思想在中国一直占主导地位。
Christianity makes the distinction between noumenon and appearance in its ontology. It can show loving care for the temporality by means of the personifying God in heaven. 但是,基督教的本体论区分本体与现象,它以神的人格化完成了彼岸对此岸的关照。
We need to open the thought and enter noumenon of traditional culture. 需要把思路打开,还须进入我们传统文化的本体。
It is such "means" formed characteristic and the characteristic makes noumenon visible and also makes it become something we can discuss. 正是“方法”形成了特征,特征使本体可见、可识、可道。
The utility model relates to a low-frequency sending coil consisting of a plastic noumenon with slab structure and a conducting material wound around the plastic noumenon. 本实用新型涉及一种低频发送线圈,包括塑料本体和缠绕塑料本体的导电材料,所述塑料本体为平板结构。
If the formal language of Chinese painting broke away from this principle, or from the real understanding of the essence of life, it would be a loss of cultural noumenon. 中国画的形式语言如果脱离了此原则,脱离了对生活本质的认识,就是文化本体的失却。
Li Yu is the only one with conscious art practice theory at the height of opera art noumenon. 李渔是唯一一个自觉地站在戏曲艺术本体的高度去关注戏曲艺术实践的理论家。
On Noumenon of Marxism Humanism Rational Philosophy& Noumenon of Human Individualistic Life 论马克思人本理性哲学的本体论&人的个体生命本体论
The noumenon decomposition analysis of the urban social life space 对城市社会&生活空间的本体解构
It figures the noumenon and motivity that who structured universe and world. 它代表着构成宇宙万物的实体与动力。
The "small displacement perturbation method" for the noumenon structure of well frame arc welding robot of petroleum drilling machine and the robot posture error analysis was introduced. 介绍了石油钻机井架焊接机器人本体结构和机器人位姿误差分析的“小位移摄动法”,利用该方法建立了弧焊机器人的位姿误差分析模型。
The Comparison Concerning the Outlooks of Value Between the Anthropocentrism and the Naturalism; And the key value principle all throughout is man as the noumenon. 人类中心主义与自然中心主义价值观的比较以人为本是贯穿其中的核心价值原则。
Chinese and Western scholars recognition of "experience" enlightens the discrimination of Chinese contemporary prose noumenon. 中西方学者关于“体验”的深刻认识,对辨析中国现当代散文的本体性很有启发。
The research bears another finding the transmission of parody meme is diversified, which means that a noumenon can be replicated in two different ways radiation and concatenation. 此外,仿拟模因的传递具有多元性,一个本体往往可以多重复制,形式上有辐射型和连锁型两种。
The construction of humanity as the noumenon of education is the necessity of the development of educational scientific research. 教育本体建构是人类历史和教育发展的必然。
The presupposition of the function of noumenon is the establishment and fulfillment of noumenon in the course of cultivation; 李二曲的“适用”观以“本体”为基础,其本体发用的前提是本体的确立及其在动态中磨炼的完成;
Interpretation of Declaration of Industrial Designers in Seoul and Study of Noumenon Theory 《汉城工业设计家宣言》解读与设计本体论研究
Lukacs, in his late years, explored the natural quality of social existence by taking labour as the noumenon, in order to build creatively the Marxist ontology. 摘要卢卡奇在其晚年以劳动为本体展开了对社会存在模式的本质性探讨,以期对马克思哲学本体论进行创造性构建。
The language makes the noumenon to become two parts and mean while obstructs another, too. 语言把本体弄成两半,同时又遮蔽了另一半。
The first essence of "Tao" refers to the noumenon of time and space. “道”之实质之一是指时间、空间之本体。
Object Element of Environmental Crimes& Research on Noumenon of Environmental Rights 环境犯罪的客体要件&环境权之本体研究
One of the requirements is questioning the relation and function prior to making a guess at the totality of noumenon, and, therefore, to make monistic noumenon-typed epistemology transfer to pluralistic function-typed epistemology. 对认识论的要求之一是对关系、功能的追问优先于对本体整一性的判断,从而使一元本体型认识论转向多元功能型认识;
As nationalism is the noumenon of USSR law and the basic point of her legal system, we should rethink the theoretical significance, value and scotoma by critical analysis and theoretical reflections. 国家主义是苏联法学的本体,是全部法律制度的基点,应当通过批判性的分析和反思,重新展现出其理论意义、价值和盲点。
Tracing the Source of Ethics: the Unity Between Noumenon of Metaphysics and the Value of Virtues 道德溯源:形上本体与德性价值的统一
As a transcendent noumenon condition, sage of extent reached, as well as kingdom of Heaven of Christ, has absolute nature of perfection and character of getting something done once and for ever. 圣人之境作为一种超越的本体境界,它具有基督天国一样的绝对完美性和一劳永逸性。
Afterward, making literature as it noumenon, this paper mainly focused on the issue of the music property in literature creation. 然后,以文学为本体,论述文学创作中的音乐性问题,这也是文章的重点。