Just through the above-mentioned sarcastic-retort narration, the novelette can further present the motif distinctly. 小说正是通过以上几个方面的反讽叙述来进一步凸现了主题。
《 Rubber Fellow 》 which is a novelette written by a writer Wangshuo, meant a flock of young people lost themselves. 《橡皮人》是王朔的一部中篇小说,原指一群迷失自我的年轻人。
The novelette of Mother with Us creates a series of female characters, who, however, are obviously similar to each other. 中篇小说《母亲和我们》塑造了一系列女性人物,然而这些人物存在明显雷同的印迹。
Legendary novelette is an innovative and exceptional genre in the history of Chinese fiction. 摘要中篇传奇小说是中国小说发展史上的创举和破例。
A Tragedy of Cultural Crash on the Novelette Amour and Some Monsters of Garcia Marquez; 文化碰撞的悲剧&解读马尔克斯的小说《爱与其他魔鬼》
The Estrangement of Absurdity& Comment on the Novelette of Wheat Fields over the City of Wacheng; 荒诞的隔膜&解读《瓦城上空的麦田》
An Analysis of the Spiritual World the Weak Community& Comment on the novelette Down to the Country; 对弱势群体精神世界的解读&评中篇小说《乡徙》
Another Deep Call to "Meadows"& Criticizing the Novelette All Nights in the World by Chi Zijian; 对芳草的又一声深切呼唤&评迟子建的中篇小说《世界上所有的夜晚》
An Ji is the hero of JIA Ping-wa's novelette of the same name who is quite similar in personality to Ah Q, the leading character in LU Xun's Literary work "The True Story of Ah Q". 阿吉是贾平凹的同名中篇小说中的主人公,其性格特征与鲁迅笔下的阿Q颇多相似之处,可以说是一个阿Q式的人物。
To study it as a literary image is of great significance in understanding Hemingway's aesthetic outlook in his literary creation and is helpful for us to understand the theme of novelette. 把它作为一个文学形象来研究,有助于我们理解海明威文学创作的美学思想以及这篇小说的主题。
The dissimilation caused by power to the human nature& Better understanding of the novelette "Maize" 权力对人的异化&《玉米》解读
During the second ten years of Chinese new literature ( 19281937), novelette grew up due to epochal needs and self-improvement. 中国新文学发展的第二个十年(1928&1937),中篇小说在时代需要和自身发展中趋于成熟,不仅创作数量明显增多,出现了一批有影响的好作品;
Affirming the dual approaches of realism and symbolism in the writing of Ravings of a Madman, this essay seeks to find the organic unity of the two approaches in the novelette and the significance of such an artistic exploration in the history of literature. 本文在肯定《狂人日记》的创作方法具有写实与象征双重性的前提下,进一步探究该作品两种方法相结合的有机性形态,以及此种艺术探索所具有的文学史意义。
Beauty and sadness. Focusing on 2003 Liaoning novelette 美丽与忧伤&2003年辽宁中篇小说聚焦
The novelette Household Duties of Liu Qing-bang has the characteristic of subject of both ugly-testing stories and fine-testing stories, not only the emerging and praises of nice humanity, but also the revelation animadversion of despicable humanity. 《家道》这篇中篇小说涵盖了证美小说和审丑小说题材上的特征,既有对美好人性的展示与赞美,又有对人性丑恶的揭露与批判。
The novelette The Flashing Red Star by Li Xintian established a mode of historical theme of following the correct line, experiencing hardships, bravely forging self and making for victory. 李心田的中篇小说《闪闪的红星》创造了紧跟正确路线,历经千难万险,勇敢锻炼成长,走向最后胜利的历史题材模式。
The marlin's skeleton is the final gain by the old man in his adventure on the sea, and it is also an important image created by the author in the novelette. 《老人与海》中的马林鱼骨架是老人出海捕鱼的最终收获,也是作者在小说中塑造的一个意义丰富的文学形象。
Legend: Resource of Narration and Feature of Aesthetics of MO Yan's Novels& On Hong Gao Liang Jia Zu and MO Yan's Short Stories and Novelette 传奇:莫言小说的叙事资源与美学特征&以《红高粱家族》及中短篇小说为中心
This article tries to re-explain Zhang cheng zhi's novelette the Black steed from historical and cultural aspect. 作者试图在历史文化层面上对张承志的中篇小说《黑骏马》进行重新解读。
So the novelette saw its first period of prosperity in modem Chinese literature, and laid a solid foundation for later continuous development of novelette creation. 由此就形成了现代文学史上中篇小说创作的第一次繁荣期,并为此后中篇小说创作的持续发展奠定了坚实的基础。
The situation of Liaoning novelette is both worried and glad; it's beautiful and sad. 所以审视辽宁中篇小说可谓喜忧参半,一半是美丽,一半是忧伤。
Based on the stifling experience of a sensitive educated woman in her family, the novelette reveals the oppression of women from the prison, their patriarchal families. 小说以一位敏感的知识女性在父权制婚姻家庭里备受压抑的经历,揭示了家庭这一“囚笼”对女性身心的摧残。
Her representative work& Jinsuo Ji, acclaimed to be "the greatest novelette in the history of Chinese literature" and "one of the most beautiful work harvested in literary circle", has aroused great interest of readers and scholars. 她的《金锁记》被誉为是中国现代文学史上最优秀的中篇小说,我们文坛最美的收获之一,备受读者和学者的关注。
Fang Fang was crown with "the New Realist" by critics when her novel "Scenery" was published in 1987, which won the prize of outstanding National Novelette in period of 1987-1988 and then was considered to have started the prelude to "New Realism". 方方,1987年发表《风景》获1987&1988年全国优秀中篇小说奖,被批评界认为拉开了新写实主义序幕,评论界冠以她新写实小说家的称号。