The onus is on the shopkeeper to provide goods which live up to the quality of their description 店主有义务提供质量与其描述相符的商品。
The onus of proof is reversed in libel actions and placed firmly on the defender. 在诽谤诉讼中,举证责任反过来由辩方全权承担。
The onus now is on the government of Pakistan to act with sincerity. 巴基斯坦政府现在有责任采取有诚意的行动。
Never has technology or our relationship to it had such an onus. 技术以及我们与技术的关系从来不像现在这样成了一项重担。
If there is a prosecution the onus will normally be on the prosecutor to prove the case. 如果起诉,通常由起诉人负责证明案件成立。
If youre asking the favor, the onus is on you to be flexible. 如果你请别人帮忙,你有责任处理地灵活一点。
The present system places the onus of adjustment on borrowing countries. 现行体制将调整的责任放在了借款国身上。
The onus is on Romney to make an impression. 罗姆尼的责任是给大家留下深刻的印象。
In fact, it was a cruel, corrosive deception that subtly and unfairly shifted the onus of his lack of emotional and financial investment from him to us. 但这实际上是一种侵蚀性的残酷欺骗,它巧妙却又不公平地将他对我们缺乏感情和物质投入这一责任转移到我们身上。
The onus is on the applicant to corroborate the authenticity of any evidence supplied in support of the application. 申请人有责任保证支持申请的任何证明的可靠性。
A general principle, inversion of onus probandi, and an exception principle, the onus of proof being on the plaintiff are adopted in China. 就我国而言,行政诉讼举证责任有一般原则即“举证责任倒置”和例外原则即原告举证。
I believe the onus is upon us to vote down the project. 我认为我有责任否决这项工程。
The onus of proof must lie with them. 举证的责任必须由他们承担。
That would put the main onus on the Somalis to sort out their own affairs. 要是过渡政府真能这么做,那么就基本可以让索马里人自己解决自己的问题了。
The onus of proof is on the plaintiff. 举证责任在原告身上。
The onus lies with the customer to check every detail before signing any contract. 买主在签合同之前有责任核对每一项细目。
It distracts attention from other pressing issues, where the onus to act lies elsewhere. 它分散了对其它紧迫问题的关注,而别的国家有责任针对那些问题采取行动。
The onus is on you to complete this report. 完成这篇报告的责任落在你身上了。
Under the new arrangement, the onus would be placed on importers to prove they were not dumping. 根据新的做法进口商则要证明他们没有倾销。
If you are in the UK, the law makes the employer guilty until proven innocent: the onus is on you to prove that you did not discriminate against her. 如果你是在英国,那么法律会在雇主证明自己无辜之前认定其有罪:你有责任证明自己并没有歧视她。
The onus is on them to carry out immediate reviews. 它们有义务立即重新对此进行评估。
All she needs is to show that there might be a case for discrimination and you could find the onus of proof is on you. 她所要做的,就是表明你的行动可能存在歧视,而你则会发现,所有取证的责任都在你身上。
Problems existed in nursing work of obstetrics department after enforcement of inversion of onus probandi 举证责任倒置后产科护理工作中存在的问题及对策
The onus is on the government. It must act soon. 这个责任在英国政府身上,它必须尽快采取行动。
Leipziger says the onus is now on all countries to overcome the bottlenecks to striking a deal. Leipziger表示,现在,所有的发展中国家应负起责任,克服“瓶颈”,以达成协议。
The onus is on employers to follow health and safety laws. 雇主有义务执行健康安全法。
The onus of proof lies with you. 你有责任提供证据。
The onus of bringing up five children. 抚养五个孩子的责任。
We are trying to shift the onus for passenger safety onto the government. 我们正试图把保障旅客安全的责任转给政府。
The onus was on me to earn enough to support the family. 挣足够的钱养家活口是我的责任。