The transistor amplifiers, which are the building blocks from which Op-Amp integrated circuit are constructed, will be discussed. 我们将对构成运算放大器的基本部件:晶体管放大器进行讨论。
A high-speed op-amp self-oscillation model was established, and the self-oscillation was overcome. 建立了高速运放电路的自激振荡模型,并采用有效方法克服了自激振荡;
A totally general analysis of the Op-Amp is beyond the scope of some texts. 对运算放大器进行详尽地分析超出了本书的范围。
But this situation is unhealthy for sensitive op-amp input transistors. 但这种情形对于敏感运放的输入端晶体管是极为不利的。
Op-amp selection is important if you use a single-supply topology. 如果使用单电源拓扑,运放的选择就很重要。
A High CMRR Constant-Transconductance Rail-to-Rail CMOS Op-Amp 一种高共模抑制比恒定跨导运算放大器
Analysis of the Characteristics of a Differential Op-Amp with Noninverting Input Terminals in Parallel 同相并联型差动输入运放的特性分析
We present a method for automatic synthesis of CMOS op-amp circuit and a data array description method of analog circuit. 本文提出一种新的基于生成的CMOS运放电路拓扑结构自动综合方法和模拟电路的数据阵列描述方法。
Pipelined A/ D converter using op-amp based switched-capacitor circuits requires high-gain and wide-bandwidth OTA to ensure its speed and resolution. 基于运算跨导放大器(OTA)和开关电容的流水线A/D转换器(ADC)需要使用高增益大带宽OTA来保证其速度和精度。
We will approach the op-amp from an empirical point of view. 我们从经验观点来介绍运算放大器。
A fully-differential folded cascode op-amp is successfully integrated into audio power amplifier for mobile phones. 文章成功地将一种全差分折叠式共源共栅运算放大器结构应用于移动电话音频功率放大芯片的设计中。
The approach to analyzing and designing SC networks using op-amp macromodel 应用运放宏模型分析和设计SC网络的探讨
Different noise types in operational amplifier ( op-amp) circuits are described. 简要介绍了运算放大器电路包含的噪声类型。
Complementary bipolar ( CB) processes used for high-speed op-amp IC's are examined in the paper. 本文对目前国内外制作高速集成运算放大器新采用的互补双极(CB)工艺作了一粗略分析。
Circuit-level synthesis method of CMOS operational amplifier ( Op-Amp) is treated in this paper. 本论文主要研究了CMOS运算放大器的电路级综合方法问题。
In order to change this backward situation, the research work on the low-voltage op-amp is necessary. 为了改变这种落后的局面,对低电压运算放大器的研究就十分必要。
In the circuit, signal is directly isolated and attenuated by Op-amp and large resistance without using traditional transformer. 该方法不使用传统的互感器,而直接用运放和大电阻隔离、衰减信号。
Consisting of three folded-cascode amplifiers, the op-amp can be used in the sample and hold circuit for a 12-bit, 30 MHz pipelined A/ D converter. 该放大器由三个折叠式共源共栅运算放大器组成,可用于12位40MHz采样频率的流水线A/D转换器。
It consists of an operational amplifier ( op-amp) and resistor feedback networks. 该放大器由运算放大器和电阻反馈网络组成。
Regulated telescopic Cascode OP-AMP can get high DC-gain and large output impedance without more devices. 调节型共源共栅运算放大器可在不增加更多的级联器件的情况下就可以获得很高的增益及很大的输出阻抗;
This paper describes the automatic null-setting method for Op-Amp parameters measurement and the stability of the main measurement loop. 对运放参数测试的自动校零方法、测试主回路的闭环稳定性进行了研究。
According to ideal op-amp's characteristics and nodal system of equations, a simulation scheme of the circuit containing ideal op-amps based on PSpice is proposed. The approach to modeling and writing input netlist file is elaborated in detail. 据理想运算放大器的控制特性和节点分析法,提出含理想运算放大器电路的PSpice仿真方案,详细说明了仿真模型和输入网单文件的建立方法。
A low-voltage and low-power CMOS op-amp was designed using a 0.6 μ m CMOS process. 采用0.6μMCMOS工艺设计了一种低压低功耗的运算放大器。
This paper presents the method for designing and appraising the single-supply op-amp. 通过对同相、反相两种输入方式电路的分析和计算,给出了单电源运放电路的设计和评价方法。
The fully differential gain-boosted op-amp is used to meet the requirement of the gain-accuracy of the front-end circuit. The noise and frequency response characteristics of the op-amp are discussed. 同时,为了达到闭环系统的增益精度要求,文中设计采用了全差分增益增强型运算放大器,并对该种运放的交流特性、频率特性以及噪声做了详细分析。
Combined with the definition of hard fault and soft fault, the model objects are extended to MOSFET and op-amp. 本论文在此基础上,结合软硬故障的定义,对MOSFET和运算放大器进行了比较详细的仿真分析。
The elimination of Op-amp offset mainly use the chopper technology, the matching of key parameters use the dynamic matching ( DEM) technology. 运放失调的消除主要采用了斩波技术,关键参数的匹配采用了动态匹配(DEM)技术。
CMOS Operational Amplifier ( op-amp) is one of the most useful components in analog integrated circuits. CMOS运算放大器是模拟集成电路中最重要的模块之一。
Next, the following points are emphasized: ( 1) Designed the photoelectric conversion preamplifier circuit, and achieved current-voltage conversion based on the op-amp. 其次,本文重点做了以下工作:(1)设计了光电转换前置放大电路,实现了基于运算放大器的电流-电压转换。