
(op-amp 的复数) [医]运算放大器
op-amp 的复数



  1. Current Feed-Back Operational Amplifiers ── A New Technology for High-Speed Op-amps
  2. Four independent op-amps with the lowest input noise& excellent audio performance are used in the gain stages, two for each channel giving you three independent gains per channel.
  3. In this paper, a nonlinear macromodel for all types of Integrated Circuit Operational Amplifiers ( IC Op-Amps) is developed through studying the characteristics of all types of IC OP-Amps.
  4. A More Popular Nonlinear Macromodel for IC Op-Amps
  5. Analyses of the CMOS op-amps 'damage in irradiation environment
  6. In the development of the model, we do our best to preserve the topological structures and working principles of corresponding original circuits, and further, the element parameters in the model can be derived simply from the values of typical terminal characteristics of IC Op-Amps.
  7. The Fabrication Technique of JFET Differential Pair in Op-Amps And Its Prospect
  8. It is studied how to realize floating measurements by utilizing op-amps and RC elements in this paper.
  9. This paper describes a method of designing active networks by using nullor equivalents as models for op-amps and bipolar transistor circuits.
  10. According to ideal op-amp's characteristics and nodal system of equations, a simulation scheme of the circuit containing ideal op-amps based on PSpice is proposed. The approach to modeling and writing input netlist file is elaborated in detail.
  11. By combining JFETs with bipolar devices, op-amps with high speed, wide-band and high input impedance can be obtained.
  12. It was shown that by lessening the thickness of gate oxide layer properly, degradation of transconductance of the op-amps 'transistors induced by radiation-generated oxide charges and interface states can be reduced, therefore, the ability of CMOS amp to resist radiation can be improved.