With this oracular sentence Ben was well satisfied. 对这神圣的裁决,本相当满意。
Also, the apocalyptic and oracular tone provides the spectators with a glimpse of the anxiety and inquietude penetrating current Japanese society. 其天启式、神谕性的基调让观众一睹渗透整个日本社会的焦虑和不安情绪。
Most of the inscriptions are oracular, dealing mostly with political and religious events, or with weather or warfare.// 大部分铭文为神谕圣旨,内容大都与政治事件和宗教活动有关,有些则是关于天气和战争的记录。
The oracular sayings of Victorian poets; so obscure that priests might have to clarify it; an enigmatic smile. 维多利亚时代诗歌谜一样的话语;太神秘了以致牧师们不得不去阐释它;神秘的微笑。
During the oracular sessions, the Pythia spoke in an altered voice and tended to chant her responses, indulging in wordplay and puns. 皮媞亚会以一种不同于平常的声音传达神谕,并倾向以吟咏的方式回应,说出的尽是暧昧的文字游戏与双关语。
Ever since he put forward the principle of arbitrariness in his General Course of Linguistics and considered it as the primary rule of linguistic signs, it was treated as an oracular principle for quite a long time. 自从索绪尔在其《普通语言学教程》中提出语言符号的任意性,并视其为第一原则后,在相当一段时间内该原则被奉为金科玉律。