A typical PDA can function as a mobile phone, fax sender, and personal organizer. 典型的掌上电脑具有移动电话、传真发送机和个人文件夹的功能。
He is a demon organizer. 他组织能力极强。
His real talent was as an organizer. 他的真正才能在于做一个组织者。
We can build a development case document, use RUP Organizer, and/ or use RUP Modeler. 我们可以构建一个开发案例文档、使用RUPOrganizer,和/或者RUPModeler。
He joined the Student Union and several campus clubs. He became an enthusiastic organizer of campus activities. 他加入了学生会和几个校园社团,并热衷于组织各种校园活动。
As an orthopaedic surgeon you are the organizer and leader of the OR team. 作为一个骨科大夫,你是团队的组织者和领导者。
The clips can be either from clip organizer, or from your own personal audio files. 这些剪辑可以来自剪辑管理器,也可以来自您自己的个人音频文件。
Meeting has been removed from your calendar and a response has been sent to the meeting organizer. 会议已从您的日历中删除,并且向会议组织者发送了响应。
At seventeen he had been a district organizer of the junior anti-sex league. 到十七岁,他便当上了反性青年团的区队长;
Let the organizer do the work so you can spend less time organizing yourself. 让你的记事本做更多的工作这样你自己就可以在整理方面少做一些工作了。
Jeff: you did, but someone stole my card organizer recently. 杰夫:你给了,不过最近有人偷了我的名片夹。
Contact the conference organizer or your system administrator. 请与会议组织者或者系统管理员联系。
She's a natural organizer. 她天生具有组织能力。
Student administrator, as an undertaker and organizer of student administration, plays a leading role in the administration. 学员管理工作者作为学员管理工作的主要承担者和组织者,在学员管理工作中起主导作用。
Contact the conference organizer; the conference may have been canceled. 请与会议组织者联系,此会议可能已被取消。
The clip being added is already in Clip Organizer. 要添加的剪辑已在剪辑管理器中。
The Organizer's e-mail is a required field. Please enter data into this field. 组织者的电子邮件地址是必须字段。请在该字段中输入数据。
A teacher, the direct organizer and executor in education, is the most fundamental power and guarantee. 教师是教育活动直接的组织者和实施者,是教育最基本的力量和保证。
An Olympics organizer said the Chinese Embassy arranged for the students to be there. 一个奥运组织者说中国大使馆安排了学生去那里。
"You must come to our conference next year," said the organizer. “明年你一定要来出席我们的会议,”组织者说。
Astice-Timetable is a smart diary, personal organizer and time planner. 时刻表是一个聪明的日记,个人的组织者和策划者的时间。
Application of data mining in the reader relation management; Contact the conference organizer or your system administrator. 论数据挖掘在读者关系管理中的应用请与会议组织者或者系统管理员联系。
The organizer said the contest aimed at promoting healthy life style and well-being for over-weighted women. 主办单位说比赛的目的是促进提高肥胖妇女的健康生活方式和福祉。
Barack Obama was a community organizer, a law professor and a US Senator before being elected President. 巴拉克·奥巴马在竞选总统前担任过社区干事、法学教授和美国参议员。
Your response has been sent to the organizer. 您的响应已经发送到管理器了。
It is a reminder and a link organizer too. 这是一个提醒和一个链接的组织者。
I told her that I'm a community organizer, that I've been at this for five years. 我告诉他,我是一个社会组织的负责人,我们做了五年了。
Our school was the organizer of the conference. 我们学校是大会的组织方。
As a player, as a tag editor or as an organizer. 作为一名球员作为标记编辑器,或作为一个组织者。
That you were a natural born organizer. 你是一个天生的组织领导者。