VERB (小孩)长得穿不下(衣服) If a child outgrows a piece of clothing, they grow bigger, so that it no longer fits them.
She outgrew her clothes so rapidly that Patsy was always having to buy new ones. 她长得太快,衣服很快便穿不下了,帕齐只好经常给她买新衣服。
...outgrown baby clothes. 长大了穿不下的宝宝装
VERB 因长大而放弃(以前的行为或想法) If you outgrow a particular way of behaving or thinking, you change and become more mature, so that you no longer behave or think in that way.
The girl may or may not outgrow her interest in fashion. 这个女孩对时尚的兴趣可能会随着年龄的增长而消失,也可能不会。
She outgrew her clothes so rapidly that Patsy was always having to buy new ones. 她长得太快,衣服很快便穿不下了,帕齐只好经常给她买新衣服。
The girl may or may not outgrow her interest in fashion. 这个女孩对时尚的兴趣可能会随着年龄的增长而消失,也可能不会。
The company plans to remain an ecommerce-only platform and is about to outgrow its 30,000 square foot warehouse. 它计划保留一个仅供电子商务使用的平台,还计划扩建它30000平方英尺的仓库。
But now it is being considered quite seriously by many nations, especially since scientists have warned that the human race will outgrow its fresh water supply faster than it runs out of food. 然而现在,许多国家正相当认真地考虑这件事情,特别是在科学家们发出警告之后。科学家们认为人类将在耗尽粮食之前首先耗尽淡水资源。
Often mistakenly regarded as a childhood stage that people outgrow, shyness is surprisingly widespread. 人们常常错误地认为,羞怯只存在于童年时代,成人后就会摆脱掉,但令人惊讶的是,害羞普遍存在。
Many times in the computing world, systems that worked well a year ago outgrow their hardware and suddenly require more resources. 在计算机世界中常常会出现这样的情况:在过去一年中运行良好的系统忽然有一天硬件系统无法满足它的需求,因此需要更多的资源。
Your mom is just one of those parents who are really scared that their little boys or girls will someday outgrow them. 你的母亲正是其中一员,这些父母们真的很担心自己的孩子会在某一天成长到不再需要他们。
But he added that it was possible that Yao junior could outgrow the father. 但他还表示姚小明可能要比父亲还高。
Before coming to Delhi, Bram had had a couple of breathing episodes that doctors assured us he would most likely outgrow. 来德里之前,布拉姆也出过几次呼吸方面的问题。医生曾向我们保证,布拉姆很有可能会随着年龄的增长而摆脱那些问题。
Children outgrow their clothes quickly but so many items are in perfect condition that is ideal for further usage. 孩子们的衣服很快就不能穿了,但是衣服上有很多地方却仍保持完好,它们是可以进一步循环利用的理想之选。
It was my cradle – the cradle we never outgrow, although we often deny it. 这曾经是我的摇篮,是我从未走出过的摇篮,尽管我们一直在否定它。
Immigration may be another issue ready to outgrow existing partisan boundaries. 移民问题或许是能够让两党搁置分歧的另一个议题。
But by the mid 1970s, its industry had rebounded so fast, that the country had outgrown its need for this bank-centred system – just like a child might outgrow a pair of shoes. 然而到了20世纪70年代中期,日本工业反弹如此之快,该国经济增长达到的水平已经使其不再需要这种以银行为中心的体制,就像儿童长大后不再需要旧鞋子一样。
But no: this is your basic, and very enjoyable, Disney princess musical, an empowerment tale to teach bright, dreamy girls how to grow to maturity& and outgrow the adults in charge. 但还不只这些,这是最基本的,还有搞笑、迪士尼的公主音乐、指引光明的授权故事、爱做梦的女孩儿如何成长为成熟少女并且比监管她的成人长大的都快。
Although I may feel as if I am growing up quickly, there are some things that a person should never outgrow. 虽然人长大的速度是惊人的,但总有一些东西永远不应该被遗忘。
If you think your love of wine might outgrow your cellar, this company always makes sure it will be easy to add more space in the future. 如果你觉得现在的酒窖可能满足不了你对红酒日益增长的热爱,这家公司确保以后增加空间并非难事。
Children outgrow their clothes very quickly. 孩子的衣服很快就穿不下了。
In addition, some children with milder forms of asthma outgrow their symptoms with age. 此外,一些患有轻度哮喘病的儿童随着年龄增长,其症状逐渐消失。
They outgrow their clothes so quickly at that age. 他们这个年龄长得太快,衣服已经穿不下了。
And finally local wildlife officials discourage letting pets that outgrow their tanks go in the wild. 最后,当地的野生动物官员会阻止你将长的过大的宠物(大鳄)放生。
It will be easier to remember and audiences never outgrow their appreciation of good stories. 观众们会对好的故事不吝表达喜欢并印象深刻。
It won't limit me. Besides, this way I'll never outgrow my favorite plaid short. 而且,这样的身高,我永远都不用担心有一天我会穿不下我心爱的格呢衬衫!
Big jobs usually go to the men who prove their ability to outgrow small ones. 大事往往赋予那些能证明自己具有超越做小事的能力的人。
Children who walk in their sleep usually outgrow the habit. 有梦游习惯的孩子长大后通常不再有这种习惯。
If you outgrow the level-range of a fortress, you will not be able to attack, defend or rule it. 如果您超出了要塞的等级范围,您将不能进行攻击、御或者统治。
These mutant plants eventually outgrow the infection. 这些变异植物最终成功抵抗了感染。
Did you outgrow these pants already? 你已经比裤子长得快啦?
Give children's clothes to another family when your kids outgrow them. 把孩子长大后穿不了的衣服送给另一家。
Like proprietorships, a partnership may outgrow its ability to finance its operations. 像独资企业,一个合伙企业的增长可能比它筹集营运资金的能力快。
In Richard Rosenfeld's opinion, Kids will outgrow ear infections no matter what we do. 理查德罗森费尔德认为:不论我们采取什么方法,孩子长大都会摆脱耳朵感染。