If that happens, Hilton, which plans to return to the public market this month, would be the second biggest IPO this year, outshining online micro-blogging service twitter, which last month raised$ 1.8 billion when it listed on the New York Stock Exchange. 果真如此,计划本月重返公开市场的希尔顿将是今年第二大IPO,超过上个月募资18亿美元、在纽约证交所挂牌的微博网站Twitter。
Each one was a girl of fair common sense, and she did not delude herself with any vain conceits, or deny her love, or give herself airs, in the idea of outshining the others. 她们每一个人都是明白事理的姑娘,谁也没有想到为了超过别人,就用虚荣的幻想去自欺欺人,或是去否认她们的爱情,或去卖弄风情。
Though without magnificent appearance, there is breath-taking beauty even more in sincere holding back inside, sophisticated appeal of outshining the moon and putting the flowers to shame. 虽然没有华丽的外表,但朴实的内敛更有沉鱼落雁,闭月羞花之韵味。
Since 1990 s, the average annual economic growth rate of our country was about 9. 37%, remain above 7% throughout in recent years, the economic growth is in the situation of outshining others in the world. 20世纪90年代以来,我国年均经济增长率约为9.37%,近年来始终保持在7%以上,经济增长在世界上处于一枝独秀的局面。
Calisthenics, as a rising sports event, has an outshining advantage for promoting spiritual insight and shaping perfect personality and physique. 健美操项目作为一项新兴的体育项目,对提升人身的精神境界、塑造完美的人格和体格,具有得天独厚的优势。
In this phase, social and historical criticism was outshining all the others. It paied much attention to the analysis of the social history background, emphasized the class nature and inclination. 这一时期社会历史批评一枝独秀,注重社会历史背景的分析,强调阶级性和倾向性。