Often outsize clothes are made from cheap fabric and look like ugly tents. 超大号服装常常质地较差,而且看上去好似丑陋的帐篷。
One program, which had enrolled a professional athlete, attempted to report his outsize salary in their average. 例如,某所学校招收了一名职业运动员,因此试图将他的巨额薪酬分摊到统计数据中。
The 2011 profits are outsize based on two key historical metrics. 从两项关键的历史指标看,2011年的利润也很高。
But I can imagine that a grumpy co-worker would have an outsize impact on my mood. 但我可以想像,一个坏脾气的同事可能会对我的情绪造成巨大的影响。
It is true that Tehran plays outsize roles in both Iraq and Syria. 伊朗政府在伊拉克和叙利亚扮演着超大角色,这一点是不争的事实。
It boils down to presence, a magical mix of confidence, charm and communication skills that exerts an outsize impact on one's social stature and ability to climb the ranks, experts say. 专家们说,归根到底就是风度――自信、魅力和沟通技巧的神奇组合,它对一个人的社会地位和晋升能力有极大影响。
More fundamentally, the episode brings home that risk is the price for the outsize returns banks now expect. 更重要的是,这起事件清楚地揭示出,风险是银行为获得如今期望的超额回报而必须付出的代价。
This free rider problem when rival companies can capitalize on one company's outsize investment in training discourages training in general as the average length of tenure at a company declines. 竞争对手公司会利用公司在培训上的巨额投入,这种搭顺风车的行为导致员工在一家公司内的平均任职时间缩短,进而使培训的提供受到限制。
There are some businessmen engaged in illegal activities who, attracted by outsize profits, cross the border to mine or smuggle jade, he said in an email, adding that the two nations have stepped up cooperation on border controls and money-laundering investigations. 一些商人受到巨大利益的诱惑从事了不法活动,穿越边境去挖矿或走私翡翠,他在邮件中说。
For many companies, the recent moves of the yuan, which was fixed at its weakest level in over seven months on Wednesday, represent a reversal from the outsize foreign-exchange gains firms were reaping as the yuan gained in value. 对很多公司而言,人民币最近的波动逆转了企业因人民币升值而实现的大量汇兑利得。周三人民币中间价被设定在七个多月来的最低水平。
This paper introduced the only spinning method for the cone bush of a outsize shape. 对特大形状的锥形衬套唯一采用旋压方法进行了介绍。
One of the reasons his investors are so enamoured is that he makes outsize returns while putting on positions with limited downside and huge upside the virtue of being a contrarian. 保尔森的投资者对他如此倾心的原因之一是,他取得的大幅投资收益是通过建立亏损有限而盈利巨大的头寸实现的,这是作为反向投资者所拥有的美德。
Why then, we ask, do traders and bankers need outsize bonuses and performance pay to get them to do their jobs? 那么,我们要问的是,为什么交易员和银行家就需要巨额奖金和绩效工资,来激励他们做自己该做的工作呢?
Today, it's the athletic surge that dazzles us, but China will leave a similar outsize footprint in the arts, in business, in science, in education. 今天,中国体育竞技上的突破让我们眼花缭乱。此外,中国还将在艺术、商业、科学和教育领域烙下深刻的印记。
If accurate, the list offers a further indication of the outsize role real estate and construction play in the Chinese economy, the world's second largest after the U. 如果数据是准确的,胡润百富榜进一步显示了房地产和建筑业在中国经济中发挥的巨大作用。
He was so lean and brittle that his pistols and handcuffs seemed outsize. 他是那么瘦弱,连手枪和戒指戴在他身上都显得太沉。
She's not really outsize just well-built. 她不算真正的特大体型&只是魁梧罢了。
Most countries along the route have already hitched their wagons to China's outsize economy and are eager for more trade. 沿途的多数国家都卯足了劲准备搭乘中国这辆特大号经济铁路谋取更多的商贸机会。
She's one of the last surviving outsize personalities in journalism. 她是新闻界最后几位在世的超级人物之一。
A blonde with outsize spectacles. 一位戴着超大型眼镜的金发女郎。
Having grown to outsize proportions in the economies of the US and UK, investment banks are finding it hard and painful to shrink. 在美国和英国,投资银行在经济中的比重发展到了过大的地步,收缩起来既艰难又痛苦。
Carments in large, extra large, and outsize ( are) available here. 本处供应大号、特大号和超大号服装。
They sell outsize clothes for very tall or very large people. 他们为很高或很魁梧的人出售特大号衣服。
Elliott had brought his outsize personality and tough mind to Washington for Franklin Roosevelt and stayed connected with that world. 艾略特把自己的张扬个性和坚韧头脑带到了华盛顿,担任富兰克林罗斯福(FranklinRoosevelt)的顾问,并一直与那个圈子保持着联系。
The evaporating bilateral trust has an outsize knock-on effect, upsetting strategic stability in Asia, derailing climate change talks and amplifying worries over diminishing support for free trade. 双边信任的蒸发,已产生超出比例的连带效应,冲击了亚洲的战略稳定,影响了气候变化谈判,还加大了各方的担忧,即自由贸易得到的支持越来越小。
Of course, it would be better if boards did not approve outsize pay deals in the first place. 当然,如果董事会一开始就没有批准高得离谱的薪酬方案,事情会好得多。
Like the US, it, too, has a large imbalance with the rest of the world – namely, an outsize current account surplus. 就像与美国一样,它也与世界其余国家也存在大规模的失衡&即巨额经常账户盈余。
High salaries attract and keep talented, hard-working people, with specialised skills. But fair compensation should not be confused with outsize bonuses. 高薪能够吸引并留住有才华、能吃苦且具备专业技能的员工。但合理的薪酬不应与巨额奖金混为一谈。
We looked in the window of the shop called les olivades, which has nice outsize white coffee cups. 我们往那家名叫“奥利瓦德”的商店的橱窗里看,那里有漂亮的特大白色咖啡杯。