But as credit-card issuers and Congress race to crack down on over-borrowing, do we risk barring the door so tightly that teens miss out on opportunities to learn financial responsibility? 不过,鉴于发卡机构和国会(Congress)都在急于限制过渡借贷的行为,我们是否正在紧闭大门,以至于年轻人可能错过学习承担财务责任的机会?
Over-borrowing and over-investment had artificially boosted growth. 过度借贷和过度投资人为地制造了经济增长。
Although the shift from external to domestic borrowing can reduce vulnerability to external shocks, it also carries risks from possible over-borrowing or inadequate supervision. 虽然从借外债转向借内债可以增强对外部冲击的抵御能力,但是也带来可能出现过度借债或监管不当的风险。