The overarching question seems to be what happens when the US pulls out? 首要的问题看来在于美国撤军后事态将会如何。
Home ownership has been an overarching and innate desire of the British. 拥有私宅是所有英国人心中压倒一切和根深蒂固的强烈愿望。
The approach described here applies equally to the overarching enterprise architecture and project-specific architectures. 这里所描述的方法适用于企业结构和特定项目的结构。
A governance process and design authority is needed to ensure that the overall business service model and IT system implementations adhere to the overarching transformation principles. 需要治理流程和设计权威来确保总体业务服务模型与IT系统实现遵守全盘转换原则。
But third, the solution architect must be cognisant of the overarching business and IT architecture responsibilities. 而第三,解决方案架构师必须认识到承担的全盘业务与IT体系结构责任。
In all of the projects that we looked at in our review, an overarching problem presented itself: it took many lines of code to do simple things. 在我们复查时所看的所有项目中,一个总的问题是:做一件简单的事用了许多行代码。
Governance and best practices provide the overarching discipline that oversees each of the phases in the life cycle. 治理和最佳实践提供用来监督生命周期中每个阶段的的全部原则。
This is almost certainly due to one undeniable, overarching rationale: They are both free. 大部分归功于一个无法否认的基本原理:二者都是免费的。
Provide an overarching compliance governance framework where an organization can effectively manage compliance at the enterprise level. 提供一种法规遵循治理框架,根据此框架组织可以在企业级有效地管理法规遵循性。
With working definitions of architecture and design now at hand, I want to delve into a few overarching areas of concern. 使用手头现有的架构和设计定义,我希望深入研究一些全局性的关注点。
This is the overarching discipline that oversees all aspects of every phase in the MADM lifecycle. 这是用来监督MADM生命周期中每个阶段中所有方面的全部原则。
All the phases in MADM are governed by an overarching governance and best practices discipline that provides a framework to carefully oversee the activities in each of the phases. MADM的所有阶段都是由一个全盘治理和最佳实践原则控制的,该原则提供的框架会仔细监视每个阶段的活动。
Finally, China is also constrained by one overarching consideration: Climate change and the need for mitigation. 最后,中国也受到了一个首要考虑的制约:气候变化及缓解其影响的必要性。
It is the overarching objective and strong shared desire for peace, security, development and cooperation that brought together BRICS countries. 金砖国家本着和平、安全、发展和合作的崇高目标和共同愿望走到了一起。
The most important detail from their Harry Potter wedding was the series 'overarching emphasis on love. 哈利波特主题婚礼最重要的细节,就是对爱的反复强调。
Our discussions took place under the overarching theme, BRICS and Africa: Partnership for Development, Integration and Industrialization. 我们围绕金砖国家与非洲:致力于发展、一体化和工业化的伙伴关系的主题进行了讨论。
Fundamental to that overarching brand is that London needs to be a sustainable place. 对于这个正在树立起来的品牌,最基本的一点是,伦敦必须成为一个可持续发展的城市。
When the overarching objective is poverty reduction, if you miss the poor, you miss the point. 当减贫是总体目标时,如果遗漏了穷人,也就错失了要点。
The Millennium Development Goals promote health as part of an overarching strategy for poverty reduction. 千年发展目标将增进健康作为减贫总战略的一部分。
Third, we must make fairness, as articulated by the values, principles and approaches of primary health care, our overarching goal. 第三,正像初级卫生保健的价值观、原则和措施所体现的,我们必须使公平性成为我们的首要目标。
To put economic globalization and trade liberalization in their right perspective is of overarching importance to a healthy development of the global economy. 正确认识和把握经济全球化和贸易自由化问题,对促进全球经济健康发展具有十分重要的意义。
Better health was seen as central to the overarching objective of poverty reduction set out in the Millennium Development Goals. 增进健康被视为千年发展目标中减少贫穷这一首要具体目标的核心。
This is, after all, how health operates in the context of the MDGs, with their overarching goal of poverty reduction. 毕竟,这就是卫生在总体目标为减贫的千年发展目标的背景下如何运作的。
Companies like apple and Google know how to build overarching technology platforms. 苹果及谷歌之类的企业,懂得如何构建包罗万象的技术平台。
And in this situation, in the absence of an overarching meaning, people can turn in on themselves. 而在这种情况下,由于缺乏一种举足轻重的定义,人们就只好指望自己了。
The overarching theme was a group of puppets purporting to be a pop band. 该广告的大主题是一组号称是一个流行乐队的玩偶。
The overarching objective will be to improve practice by combining clinical innovation with research evidence. 首要的目标将是通过有研究证据的综合临床创新改进实践。
You have made stronger capacities central to the overarching policy objective of universal coverage with high quality health services. 你们已具备较强能力,这对实现普遍覆盖、提供高质量卫生服务的总体政策目标至关重要。
In a world where there is no one, overarching, theoretical framework; 这个世界没有一种能凌驾一切的理论框架;
But one overarching factor, which also explains the increase in lay-offs, is the declining importance of banks. 但一个至关重要的因素,是银行的重要性不断下降,这也是裁员数量上升的原因。