We have make some staff redundant to reduce overman. 为了削减过多的人员,我们精简了一些职员。
Inadequate life-saving and escape facilities due to overman. 超员导致救逃生设施不足。
Overman is a new human nature which Nietzche looked forward to and his last temporary lodging to reevaluate all the value. “超人”是尼采向往的新人性,是尼采“重估一切价值”的落脚点。
His three metaphors: the will of the earth, the sea and the lightning show the ability and quality of Overman. 尼采的三个隐喻:超人是大地的意志、超人是大海、超人是闪电,表明超人的能力和品质。