ADJ-GRADED 人员过多的;人浮于事的 If you say that a place or an industry is overmanned, you mean that you think there are more people working there or doing the work than is necessary.
Many factories were chronically overmanned. 很多工厂长期人浮于事。
Many factories were chronically overmanned. 很多工厂长期人浮于事。
As a result, industry was overmanned and pen-pushers were everywhere. 结果是,企业人浮于事,到处都是耍笔杆子的人。
The late Alan Walters, her chief economic adviser, believed a key source of inflation and the weak economy was the amount of taxpayers 'money being poured into overmanned, old-fashioned, government-owned industry. 撒切尔的经济顾问,已过逝的沃特思先生相信通胀经济疲软的关键原因是纳税人的钱被用于人员臃肿、老式的国有企业。
Management decided the office was overmanned and sacked three junior typists. 管理部门认为办公室人浮於事,於是裁去了叁名级别低的打字员。
Overmanned, with outdated practices and abysmal industrial relations, the business was probably doomed. 冗员、作风过时以及恶劣的劳资关系,或许注定了这个行业行将没落。