He was overwhelmed by a longing for times past 他一心渴望回到从前。
The need to talk to someone, anyone, overwhelmed her. 她迫不及待地要找个人说说话,随便是谁都行。
It was clear that one massive Allied offensive would overwhelm the weakened enemy. 毫无疑问,盟军一次大规模的进攻就会击溃已是强弩之末的敌军。
No difficulty can overwhelm us. 困难压不倒我们。
It was a race against time to seize the bridges and overwhelm the garrison. 为了夺取桥梁,击溃守敌,必须分秒必争。
After my lecture, the students began to overwhelm me with questions. 讲课之后,学生们开始问一系列问题,让我不知所措。
Paralysis In Taking Needed Actions: In some cases, fear can overwhelm and even paralyze you to inaction. 必要的行动不能正常进行。在一些情况下,你将被害怕压倒,甚至使你无法采取行动,一切处于瘫痪状态。
Skip highly technical explanations when addressing nontechnical audiences& you'll just confuse and overwhelm people with details. 在对非技术受众讲话时跳过高度技术性的解释&技术细节只会使人们混淆和晕头转向。
Increasing frequency and intensity too soon can overwhelm you, making you want to give up. 频率和强度增加太快可以压倒你,使你想放弃。
Your job is not to let compassion overwhelm you. 但你要做的是不要让同情把完全你压倒。
But the sheer volume of rubbish we produce worldwide threatens to overwhelm us. 但是,我们在世界范围内所生产的垃圾就有把我们淹没的危险。
You never want the deck to overwhelm the house by being too large and dwarfing its surroundings. 你从来不想甲板上压倒屋内过于庞大和矮化及其周围地区。
The trivial annoyances, even though they are virtually meaningless, can overwhelm you if you let them. 琐碎的烦恼,尽管可能没有任何意义,可是由于你的纵容,它们会显现得难以制服。
Silence or overwhelm by shouting. 通过叫喊使之安静或被压倒。
Imps mean swarms of little winged creatures that will overwhelm enemy forces. 小鬼的出现,意味着大群有翅膀的小生物将会把敌人淹没。
Be cautious when using this color group so as not to overwhelm your content with these eye catching hues. 但是当使用这类颜色组的时候要当心不要用这类迷人的颜色压倒了你的站点的内容。
Strong enough to knock down or overwhelm. 足够强大的,击倒或压倒一切的。
With this quality, no enemy can overwhelm us, and no obstacles can stand in our way. 有了这种精神,任何敌人都不能打垮我们,任何困难都不能阻挡我们。
If I cannot overwhelm with my quality, I will overwhelm with my quantity. 如果我不能以质量压倒,我就一定要以数量压倒。
They were able to overwhelm the enemy on the bank of the river. 他们成功地制伏了河岸上的敌人。
Public anger at bankers is now so great that it threatens to overwhelm even their legendary lobbying capabilities. 如今,公众对银行家的怒火极为强烈,连后者那传奇般的游说能力似乎也抵挡不住。
So surprisingly impressive as to stun or overwhelm. 令人惊奇、印象深刻,到了晕倒或者压倒性的程度。
Sometimes, my passion and emotions overwhelm my logical brain, but not often. 有时候我的热情战胜了我的理性,但是不是经常。
It was even more against our interest to permit the Soviet Union to overwhelm or to humiliate Cuba. 容许苏联压倒或侮辱古巴则更违背我们的利益。
You will overwhelm my grandfather with delight if you play whist. 您会打惠斯特就更使外祖父喜出望外了。
Life does not seem to overwhelm me, or I would not be so leisurely's lives every day, I once had a problem, I really grew up in it? Maybe! 生活好像没有压倒我,不然我也不会这么悠闲自在的过着每一天,我曾经有过一个问题,我真的长大了吗?也许吧!
I am in deep water, and the floods overwhelm me. 我在深的水,洪水淹没了我。
From top to bottom, you will love this new feeling that will completely overwhelm the new you. 你将爱上这种新的感觉那将完全地淹没新的你。
I be overwhelm by the sight of the tomb. 我为这陵墓的景象所慑服。
When they are in a state of overwhelm or frustration their motivation to keep working is hindered. 当人们处于大量沮丧中,他们要继续进行的动力就被阻碍了。