One overwrought member had to be restrained by friends. 一位成员过于激动,朋友们不得不进行拦阻。
If you are already underpaid, overworked, overwrought, exploited, underappreciated, and routinely the last guy to leave at the end of the day, make your m a zero. 如果你的薪酬已经很低,工作过度,劳累不堪,受到老板的剥削,得不到上级的赏识,经常是每天最后一个离开公司的人,那你的得分只会是零。
Personally, I think this concern is overwrought. 就个人而言,我认为这种担忧过虑了。
Or is all this an empty conceit, the vaporing of the tired and overwrought brain of a life long liberal? 再不然,这一切是不是一种无聊的妄自尊大,是不是一个毕生开明的人疲乏过度大脑的幻想呢?
International frictions over space policy are taking an upward turn, thanks to overwrought reports about the white house's recent pronouncements on defense of the high frontier. 国际摩擦超过空间政策正在向上反过来由于过分夸张的报导,白宫最近公布的高边疆防务。
She was tired and overwrought. 她很累且过度紧张。
There tired and overwrought businessmen can enjoy such old fashioned fare as bread and butter pudding, all served by well-developed girls wearing school uniforms. 在那家餐馆,劳累过度的商人可以享受到像面包和奶油布丁之类的老式饮食,服务员全是发育良好的穿校服的女孩。
Now that things are calmer and you're able to assess what was said from a more rational perspective, you're recognising that in their rather overwrought ramblings, others revealed pivotal facts. 既然事情已经冷静下来,你也能从更理性的一面评估所说过的话,你将认识到他人从杂乱无章中发现了关键的事实。
At the mention of ashley's name, scarlett's overwrought nerves gave way and she burst into tears. 一提到艾希礼的名字,思嘉那过于紧张的神经便控制不住,她立刻哭起来。
The debt debates under way in the US and the EU are so inward-looking and overwrought that surprisingly few people are making the connection. 美国和欧洲正在进行的债务辩论都过于关注自身,也过于忧心忡忡,以至于能够指出二者之间联系的人少得令人惊讶。
She's overwrought because of all the work and difficulties. 她被所有的工作困难弄得精疲力竭。
She didn't mean to offend you; she was overwrought. 她无意得罪你,她是情绪不好。
Much of it is overwrought, especially in the performance of Ellen Burstyn as the older Viviane, and Sandra Bullock as Sidda. 片中许多演员的演出均显得都神经紧张,特别是饰演年老慧云的艾伦布斯汀及饰演茜达的姗迪娜布洛。
Scarlett found that it relieved her overwrought nerves. 思嘉发现这样可以使她过分紧张的神经放松一些。