People who had a major impact on china's modern history like Liao zhongkai, li dazhao, chen Duxiu and Peng Pai studied in this institution. 在中国近代史上有着重要影响的廖仲恺、李大钊、陈独秀、彭湃等曾在这里负笈求学。
The leader of the other study was Madhukar pai, an epidemiologist at McGill University in montreal, canada. 另一份研究的领导者是(madhukarpai),来自加拿大,蒙特利尔的麦吉尔大学的流行病学者。
Having refused several ming pai copies, I was leaving without buying when I saw a blue plastic one. 拒绝了几款仿名牌之后,我正打算空手而归,这时我看到了一款蓝色塑料手表。
The Internet is not broken, Mr. Pai said. There is no problem to solve. 互联网没有出问题,佩说,没有什么问题需要解决。
Of Pai mai's five point palm exploding heart technique. 白眉的五雷摧心掌的传奇。
On the Grammatical Functions of the Word "pai~ ( 24)"( go) in Long'an Zhuang Language 隆安壮语pai~(24)的语法功能分析
General Pai was appointed defense minister, a post with little meaning. 白崇禧将军被任命为国防部长,这是一个没有什么实权的职务。
Pastor Pai and wife will be attending. 牧师与师母将前往参加。
Pai Chung-hsi and the Hupeh Provincial Council immediately brought the question of peace before the generalissimo. 白崇禧和湖北省参议会立即向蒋提出实现和平的问题。
Then it triggered a storm for the candidate of controlling Xinjiang, in which Pai Chung-hsi was involved. 随后,国民政府就经略新疆之人选引发了一场风波,白崇禧卷入其中。
The object of Pai Gow Poker is to make two poker hands that beat the banker's hands. 牌九扑克游戏的目标是希望两手牌能战胜庄家手上的牌。
The relationship between Yuan Hu and Hai Pai fiction is not that of source and current. 鸳鸯蝴蝶派文学同海派文学,不是源与流的关系。
Traditional Wushu boxing armed and Men Pai, schools of loss; 传统武术拳械和门派、流派的流失;
Pai Ch'ung-hsi then took over as principal of the aviation academy and as commander of the air force. 随后白崇禧作为空军司令员和航空学院校长接管空军。
Please provide the name and telephone number for the PAI Chu Shuo certifying police officer. 请提供出具无犯罪记录证明的警官姓名及派出所电话。
Function code that triggered the event PAI. 触发事件PAI的功能码。
However, UB is already foreign-owned, having been purchased in 2006 by the US private equity group Blackstone, and the French buy-out firm Pai partners. 不过,联合饼干目前已经由外资拥有,该公司在2006年被美国私人股本集团百仕通(blackstone)和法国收购公司paipartners收购。
"Chang Fa-kuei and Pai Chung-hsi are retreating from changsha!" “张桂军要退出长沙了!”
Ci and Ci writers in "san yan" and "liang pai" “三言”两拍“中的词与词人”
Challenges and impacts of money influence to ancient societies& focus on "San Yan" and "Er Pai" 中国古代社会金钱势力对社会的冲击与影响&以三言二拍为中心
She asked for a pai rise, and her boss agreed. 她要求提高工资,而她的老板同意了。
If you choose to swell Jiang Pai. 如果你选择了江涌浪湃。
Relationship between uPA/ uPAR/ PAI and inflammatory joint disease uPA/uPAR/PAI系统与炎性关节疾病
The influence of Daoism and Buddhism in secular and social life in San Yan and Er Pai 从三言二拍看佛道对世俗社会生活的影响
According to Pai, this system had already been implemented in Chekiang. 根据白崇禧说,这个体系已经在浙江执行。
According to Pai mining methods can be divided into the two types of lattice-type and overflow. 根据排矿方式,可分格子型和溢流型俩种。
Peng Pai, said: It was stolen, I do not want to. 彭湃说:那是偷来的,我不能要。
See help me Pai point Course not. 看能帮我排点课不。
As the minister's assistant, Peng Pai was working within the area of responsibility assigned to him. 彭湃作为部长的助手,是在其分管的职责范围内进行工作。
Ask why your crew Pai had to scream so painfuiiy before he died. 问他为什么你的船员死前都那么痛苦。