Doctors painstakingly pieced together the broken bones. 医生们精心地把碎骨拼合起来。
The cause they contrived so painstakingly also ended in failure. 他们惨淡经营的事业也以失败而告终。
He's always painstakingly at his books. 他总是在埋头苦读。
She describes her moment of Zen, of communion with God, painstakingly and passionately. 她描述自己悟禅的瞬间,与上帝灵交的瞬间,她是那么刻苦和热情。
The23 year-old painstakingly creates the works using just paper, scissors and tweezers. 美林今年23岁,她只用纸张、剪刀和镊子,就能做出金梅的手工。
These gravity-defying sculptures were created without glue or pins-just painstakingly balanced on one another. 这些违反地球引力的石头平衡艺术作品没有使用任何胶水或者钉子,仅仅依靠艺术家不辞辛劳地把石头一块块叠起来并使其保持平衡。
The photos have been painstakingly stitched together to create this breathtaking vista. 这些照片被精心制作在一起来展现这惊人的景象。
I went to see him for a painstakingly objective and honest assessment of my posture. 我找到他,希望他能费心对我的姿势做个客观实在的评判。
Most of the bones are still embedded in the rock, and must be painstakingly excavated. 大多数骨头仍嵌入在岩石里,把它们挖出来真是煞费苦心。
Difficult also to be strong again painstakingly again, only for these anticipation look. 再苦再难也要坚强,只为那些期待眼神。
The retribution is inside my heart, also must I taste painstakingly. 冤孽是在我心里头,苦也应当我一个人尝。
As neoclassical painters emphasized symbolic costumes and settings, Wang, too, favors painstakingly choreographed images. 新古典画家重视对服装和场景的描绘,这有利王沂东精心编排每个图像。
For women now are merely more or less good-looking, and as I know, their looks when at their best have been painstakingly enhanced and edited. 因为现在的女人们都只差不多算是好看。而据我所知,她们的容貌在最美好的时候却被千方百计地处理和修改过了。
Every aspect of the original has been closely studied and painstakingly reconstructed. 原作的每一细节都经过了仔细研究,费尽苦心才得以重现。
But look more closely and you may see a man painstakingly painted to blend in with the colourful background. 但是,更仔细,你可以看到一个人精心画融入与色彩缤纷的背景。
He spent hours painstakingly arranging the bones into striking shapes before photographing them. 他花了数小时把骨头精心排列成令人触目惊心的形状,然后拍摄下来,一共制作了16幅照片,取名为“停止暴力”。
Now he licked at his gums and lips painstakingly, to make sure there was no stain on them. 他仔细地舔了舔牙龈和嘴唇,确定不会留有任何痕迹。
Don't follow a gender painstakingly what results, each the result is same, it is death. 不要随性刻意追求什么结果,每个结果都一样,那就是死亡。
Generations of astronomers have painstakingly gathered an enormous store of facts touching on the most diverse properties of stars. 世世代代的天文学家辛勤地积累了有关恒星各种性质的大量观测事实。
But also cannot painstakingly not have the means in the motion bidirectional charge; 也不会苦于移动的双向收费而没办法;
Painstakingly, he took it apart. 他费力地把它拆开。
In the grandstands they had painstakingly drawn up some banners declaring their undying love for almost all the drivers. 主看台的观众们不辞辛苦的给自己做了标记,旗帜鲜明的表达他们对所支持车手的喜爱之情。
She had painstakingly copied an18th-century painting. 她已精心临摹了一幅18世纪的油画。
We've spent years painstakingly creating the most powerful trend following training available. 数年来我们殚精竭虑苦心经营,最终形成了功能强大的趋势跟踪训练方法。
This is like someone painstakingly copying a very large book, word for word onto blank sheets. 这就像某人费劲心血的复制一本巨大的书籍,往空白书册上一个单词一个单词复制。
Have some pursuit but not do it painstakingly, long for success but also accept commonness. 有所追求但不刻意,渴望成功但也接受平凡。
Koslin says banana fibers must be painstakingly spliced together, rather than spun into thread. 柯斯林说,香蕉纤维必须通过十分费力的方式捻接到一起,而不是纺织成线。
The whole Party should try earnestly and painstakingly to make a success of its united front work. 全党都要认真地、谨慎地做好统一战线工作。
Listened to her stories while we painstakingly burrowed in the earth, planting the promise of spring. 倾听着她的故事,我们卖力地掘着泥土,种下春天的希望。