VERB 宠爱;溺爱;娇惯 If you pamper someone, you make them feel comfortable by doing things for them or giving them expensive or luxurious things, sometimes in a way which has a bad effect on their character.
Why don't you let your mother pamper you for a while?... 何不让你母亲宠你一段时间呢?
Pamper yourself with our luxury gifts... 用我们的精美礼物宠爱一下自己吧。
The only son had been pampered and spoiled. 这个独子娇生惯养被宠坏了。
Pampering a child like this is not loving him. 这样惯孩子不是心疼他。
When I travel, I like to find a place that has a pampering environment. 在我出行时,我喜欢寻找能让人彻底放松的环境。
But, remember to be generous in pampering yourself. 但是,请记住要对自己慷慨。
Spend the night watching your favourite films, eating your favourite food and thoroughly pampering yourself. 这个夜晚享受一部你最爱的电影,最喜欢的美食,而且用尽各种办法宠自己。
Even curling up with a glass of wine and a good book with your phone turned off and laptop hidden away can be a form of pampering. 甚至把你的手机关掉笔记本藏起来,捧一杯葡萄酒和一本好书蜷缩着也可以是一种纵容。
Dyeing pets has been a trend in pet pampering for quite some time. 把宠物染色已经在中国流行了很长时间。
But you need to make an appointment because these people are usually very busy pampering pets. 但是你需要先预约,因为这些人通常都在忙于照顾宠物们。
Having the character or disposition harmed by pampering or oversolicitous attention. 性格或者性格倾向被纵容或者过于热切的注意所伤害。
Pampering parents often have spoilt children. 纵容的父母总是会有被惯坏了的孩子。
We are advised that, whenever possible, we should use flights for a bit of pampering. 我们得到这样一个建议:无论何时,要尽可能利用飞行来宠爱自己。
We have catered to expensive computers, pampering them in air-conditioned rooms or carrying them around with us. 我们迎合了昂贵的计算,在装有空调的房间中纵容它们,把它们带到我们身边。
Your busy lifestyle leaves little time for pampering skin care. 忙碌的生活使你几乎没有足够的时间来护理肌肤。
Give your girl friend or your mum the gift of pampering. 给您的女朋友或妈妈一份贴心的礼物。
Kauai is not about pampering. It's about going natural and finding the nature within you. 考爱岛不会娇纵游客,它是让你返璞归真、从内心找回自然的地方。
Although pampering your pet is normally harmless, there are a couple of problems to look out for. 虽然呵护你的宠物通常是无害的,有一对夫妇的问题看出来。
"He was pampering the poor girls's lust for singularity and self-glorification"( Charles Kingsley). “出于怪癖和自命不凡,他纵容着这个可怜的女孩的贪欲”(查尔斯·金斯利)。
They require a special mix of soil, near perfect weather and lots of pampering. 它们需要特殊的混合土壤,近乎完美的气候条件和精心的呵护照料。
If you have an older daughter, save and plan for a special mother-daughter pampering day at the spa. 如果你有一个比较大的女儿,抽出时间,计划一个特殊母女呵护的一天在休闲健身房做护理。
If you have a younger daughter, use some of these pampering tips we've provided for a fun mother-daughter night. 如果你有一个很年轻的女儿,用我们提供的一些呵护秘诀和你的女儿在一个愉快的夜晚做护理。
Because of this spiked interest in pampering pets, the market for pet care products and supplies has exploded. 正因为如此飙升的兴趣,呵护宠物市场宠物保健产品和用品已经爆炸了。
You need to spend some time pampering yourself. 本月双子座需要时间放纵一下自己。
A modern bathroom is a place of relaxation and pampering. 现代家庭中的卫生间是一个放松和享受的地方。
I'll spend my salary on pampering myself. 我要把工资花在享受生活上。
These lunches, though, are where the pampering begins and ends. 这些午餐,虽然,是纵容开始和结束的地方。
Nora thought it was providential that they had asked her to visit just now, when she so desperately needed pampering. 劳拉想在她失落而需要人宠爱的时候,正是在此时他们邀请她作客真是太幸运了。
Here's a pampering treatment you can feel good about all over. 以下是呵护对待,你可以感觉良好全部结束。
These are products that collect your baby's waste, but they are selling you on the values of pampering, loving, and hugging your child. 这些是收集您的婴孩的废物的产品,但他们卖您在纵容,爱,和拥抱您的孩子的价值。