Their work has all the usual punch, panache and flair you'd expect. 他们的作品一如既往地引人入胜、气韵潇洒、新颖别致,不会让你失望。
The BBC Symphony Orchestra played with great panache 英国广播公司交响乐团演奏起来挥洒自如。
Her panache at dealing with the world's media is quite astonishing. 她应付世界媒体的派头非常令人吃惊。
But not with the subtlety or panache that you or I would bring to the job. 或许可以做得到,但是不会向你我那样用谨小慎微或派头十足的方式提出来。
Needing a big win to stay in contention, China achieved their target with customary panache. 需要一个很大的胜利留在争论,中国取得了他们的目标与习惯耀目。
Coupled with the panache leather, we tie the shoe to the sophistication of the sport of fencing. 加上华丽皮革,鞋,我们配合的复杂运动的击剑。
Only in France would they serve boiled eggs with such panache. 只有在法国他们才会把白煮蛋卖得这么有噱头。
She delivered the speech with great panache. 她非常神气地做了一场报告。
He offered it to me with all the panache of a ballet dancer presenting a rose. 他把它献给我时真是气派十足,就像一位芭蕾舞演员在献一朵玫瑰花似的。
What's a soiree without panache? 没有炫耀的晚会是什么?
The theme should be taken up with humour, with panache and perhaps with a bit of poetry 该主题应是采取与幽默感,以耀目和或许有点诗
An easy drinking style with lots of panache. 讲述时要有风格、自信和威风。
If you're gonna kill me, do it with panache. 如果你想杀我,尽管这样说吧。
Sihanouk returned home a month later after 13 years in exile and with characteristic panache was driven to his palace in a convertible Chevrolet flown from Thailand. 一个月后,西哈努克结束了长达13年的流亡,回到了祖国;他带着自己特有的那种派头,坐着一辆从泰国空运来的雪佛兰(Chevrolet)敞篷车来到王宫。
While the PSA deals with a disease that has spread beyond Asia and often incites fear, it aims to do so with panache rather than panic. 虽然该公益告示处理其传播已超出亚洲范围并且通常引起恐惧的疾病,但是它的目的是以华丽风格而不是恐慌来这样做。
The European models generally have more "panache" with custom colors and even custom fitting. 在欧洲的模式通常有更多的“派头”自定义颜色,甚至定制配件。
At this point, hereditary titles are in no way the key to being "upper class," although they do lend a distinctive panache within the upper class. 在这一点上,遗传冠军绝不是关键的“上层阶级”,但他们提供一种独特耀目的上层阶级。
It is packaged in a carton of colors evoking those same key notes of energy, style, and panache. 它是在一个纸箱包装的颜色唤起相同的关键注意到能源,风格,与派头。
He is a very a forthcoming person and can handle all situations with panache. 他是一个非常善于交际的人,能够灵巧地处理各种情况。
"He had lots of drive and panache", recalls kelliher, who worked for frontline news, a company founded by peck. “他干劲十足,神气活现,”凯利赫回忆道,当时他为佩克创建的“前线新闻”公司工作。
You ejected that tin-plated buffoon with great panache. 棒极了,你赶走了那个穿盔甲的小丑。
They should possess aesthetic skill and panache and be quite artistic, be familiar with lighting technology. 他们不仅要具备艺术的审美和表现,还要了解灯具和光源的技术。
His breathtaking skill and vision brought panache to Arsenal's play and he was instrumental in the Double triumph of1998, deservedly winning the Footballer of the Year award. 他惊人的技巧以及大局观,将华丽的足球带到了阿森纳,他为俱乐部在1998年赢得了双冠王,并且获得了当年最佳球员奖。
This may be because, as national newspapers, they have a certain metropolitan panache, and none of the provincial diffidence that is a hallmark of many American papers. 这或许是因为,作为国家性报刊,他们当然有着大城市的大家风范,而不带丝毫的小地方的底气不足,而这一点正是许多美国报纸的特点。
Hip hop's aesthetic of "keeping it real" has also lost some of its panache because these days people don't need to be reminded of how difficult life is. 嘻哈的美学也失去了它的一些魅力,因为这些日子里人们不必被提醒生活是多么的困难。
A captivating, engrossing debut,* a fast-paced tale of international crime and skullduggery written with style and panache. 一个快节奏的跨国犯罪和诈骗的故事,风格独特,文笔华丽。
But Zhang executed it all with unprecedented panache – cunningly using the design of the Bird's Nest stadium for his purposes – and budgetary freedom. 但张艺谋以空前的场面演绎了这一切,他巧妙地利用“鸟巢”体育馆的设计来达到表演效果,还拥有预算方面的自由。
But for the rest of us, occasional bursts of anger, especially if performed with panache, have much to be said for them. 但对于我们其他人而言,偶尔发发脾气(特别是如果以优雅的样子表现出来),则另当别论了。
Is this "change we can believe in" or merely Bush with panache? 又抑或只是另一个潇洒版的布什而已?