The left area shows papillary pattern: complex papillae lined by cuboidal surface cells, the stalk of the papillary projections contains the round stromal cells. 左侧可见乳头状结构,复杂的乳头被覆立方上皮细胞,乳头突起的蒂内含间质细胞;
Objective: To study whether the transfering mechanism of taste sense is from taste bud path to sensory nerve fiber of lingual papillae. 目的:探索味觉的传递机制是否系味蕾细胞所接受的信息直接通过神经递质受体作用于舌乳头的感觉神经来完成。
People who have lots of papillae have been dubbed supertasters for their ability to really perceive, say, the bitterness in arugula or the subtle sweetness of a pea. 有许多乳突的人被称为味觉超敏感者,因为他们的实际感知能力很强,比如他们能品尝出芝麻菜的苦味或是豌豆的微小甜味。
A nipple-shaped protuberance. resembling or covered with papillae. 类似于乳头的,或以乳头覆盖的。
Aubrey: Little bumps called papillae. 奥布里:这些小疙瘩叫乳突。
Myoepithelial cells are not present in the papillae of EPC, same as in papillary DCIS. EPC的乳头中肌上皮细胞不存在,与乳头状DCIS相同。
Results: Taste buds were found in the epithelium of apex linguae and circumvallate papillae; the taste bud consisted of light cells and dark cells. 结果:云豹味蕾分布于舌尖及轮廓乳突的上皮层中,主要由明细胞和暗细胞组成。
The main advantages of the one-stage technique are the preservation of the dental papillae and the timely formation of a gingival sulcus during the integration of the implant. 单程技术有利之处在于植体融合时期中,保护植体乳头以及促进齿沟之形成。
The subgenus Priolepis, with one pair of sensory papillae in front of interorbital region, papillae row b short, and predorsal scales absent. 锯鳞鰕虎亚属(Priolepis),眼间区域前方为一对感觉乳突,乳突列b短,无背前鳞。
Then he counted the number of papillae. 然后他统计了这些人的乳突数量。
AIM: To observe the expression of GDNF in tooth germ and dental papillae mesenchymal cells. 目的:观察胶质源性神经营养因子(GDNF)在人牙胚和体外培养的人牙乳头间充质细胞中表达部位及其表达变化。
The renal papillae merged into one, being classified as the smooth single papilla kidney; 肾表面光滑无沟,乳头完全合并成一个肾乳头,属于平滑单乳头肾。
The optical papillae of 100 cases in normal Chinese were observed. 观察100例正常人的视乳头。
Papillae of outer circle are actually 4 pairs, they are a large and a small papilla in pairs. 外环乳突4对,每对为大小各1个。
Localization of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor in human tooth germ and cultured dental papillae mesenchymal cells 胶质源性神经营养因子在人牙胚和体外培养的人牙乳头间充质细胞中表达的实验研究
We have developed a theoretical model including different tissue layers and microcirculation in epidermis and dermal papillae to investigate the transport of oxygen in outer layers of skin. 本研究建议了一种数学模型来研究皮肤外层氧的输运特性,它包括表皮和真皮乳头中的各个组织层及微循环。
Fungiform papilla height and width and the number of fungiform papillae per slice showed no change. 味蕾的数目、细胞总数和菌状乳头变化不明显。
90 days following the transection of lingual nerve, there was no any regeneration of the degenerated fungiform papillae. 舌神经被切断后90天,萎缩消失的菌状乳头仍然没有再生迹象。
Fungiform papillae were distributed among filiform papillae and to be cavernous in shape at the top. 菌状乳头在丝状乳头之间,顶部呈火山口状。
Quantitative studies of taste and fungiform papillae on the anterior human tongue 人舌前部味觉功能和菌状乳头的定量研究
INTERVENTIONS: Collagenase D was used to directly digest the dermal sheath below hair follicle, and the dermal sheath cells and dermal papillae were obtained. The adhesion rate and growth curve of DP cells were observed. 干预:采用胶原酶D直接将毛囊下部的真皮鞘组织消化成真皮鞘细胞和毛乳头,观察毛乳头的贴壁率和细胞生长曲线。
BMP was expressed in the ameloblast, the intermedium stratum cell and the stellate reticulum cell but not in dental papillae cells or odontoblast. 成釉细胞,中间层细胞和星网状层细胞均有BMP表达,牙乳头细胞或成牙本质细胞不表达BMP。
H 2O 2 accumulation in papillae and hypersensitive reaction cell was observed by DAB assay. 用DAB(二氨基联苯胺)观察到H2O2在乳突和过敏性反应细胞中积累。
Peculiar papillae or cell clusters were formed; 形成奇形乳头和奇形细胞簇;
Cuticle of leaves rough, with large papillae up to 6 – 8 μ m in diameter. 叶角质层表面粗糙,具粗瘤,直径达6–8μm。与另一个相似种S。
There were papillae, microvilli or microvesicles on the surface of some cells. 细胞表面光滑,或有乳头状突起、微绒毛和微饮泡等。
Objective: To investigate the changes of fungiform Papillae following injury to lingual nerve. 目的:了解舌神经损伤后菌状乳头的变化和再生能力。
Method The dermis substitute was reconstructed by mixing both keratinocytes and dermal papillae cells into collagen gel. Next, keratinocytes were seeded onto the surface of dermal substitutes. 方法:将角质形成细胞和毛乳头细胞共同混入胶原蛋白中制成真皮替代物,在此真皮替代物表面种上角质形成细胞形成复合组织工程皮肤替代物。