And the Branch was broken off, and she held it in her delicate hand, and sheltered it with her silk parasol. 接着这枝子就被折断了。她把它握在柔嫩的手里,并且还用绸阳伞替它遮住太阳。
Her white gloves displayed the delicacy of the hand which toyed with the carved, Chinese ivory handle of a parasol, and her silken shoe outlined the smallness of her foot. 白手套显出一双细长的手,手里玩着一把中国象牙柄的遮阳伞,一双缎鞋衬托出她脚的秀气。
Elizabeth obeyed, and running into her own room for her parasol, attended her noble guest down stairs. 伊丽莎白听从了母亲的话,先到自己房间里去拿了一把阳伞,然后下楼来侍候这位贵客。
This elegant parasol is great for sun and is also a functional umbrella for rain. 这种雅致的太阳伞能有效地遮挡阳光,也能很好地防雨。
Sitting beneath a parasol by an outdoor public pool, Dave Norris, the mayor, tells a darker tale. 镇长戴夫诺里斯(DaveNorris)坐在室外公共游泳池旁的太阳伞下,向我描绘了一幅更加严峻的画面。
Sitting alone in the study, the aroma of hibiscus touches, listen to Chinese parasol falls outside the window leaves with trenchant. 独坐于书房,有木槿的香气飘入,听窗外梧桐叶飘落的叹息分明。
Will you get me a quite plain parasol? 你替我买把小阳伞行吗?要素底子的。
Scarlett dug her fingers into the upholstery of the carriage and for a moment her parasol wavered. 思嘉把手指伸进马车的帷帘里,她的阳伞也跟着抖动了好一会儿。
Travelled do not forget the belt against to expose to the sun the skin appliances, as well as parasol, sunglasses and so on apparatus. 去旅游千万不要忘了带防晒护肤品,以及遮阳伞、太阳镜之类的用具。
In summer when you stroll on the boardwalk in the noonday sun, it is advisable to take along a parasol. 在夏季,当你在正午的太阳下漫步于(常在海滨)用木板铺成的小道上时,撑一把太阳伞是明智的。
A security guard stands on a carpeted plinth, his 8202; face shielded from the sun by a parasol. 一名保安站在铺着地毯的岗台上,阳伞遮住了头上的阳光。
Ah, in the dead sea, floating on his back, reading a book with a parasol open. 对啦,他仰卧在死海上,撑着一把阳伞,还在看书哪。
Everyone walks around with a parasol in the summer. 夏天,每个人出门都打阳伞。
Which cocktail do you order when lying under the parasol? 太阳伞下的时候会点哪种鸡尾酒?
Someone's taking our parasol. 有人拿走了我们的阳伞。
Once I wish was just sitting on your bike, and you pass through in full of Chinese parasol tree on the road. 曾经我的愿望只是坐在你的单车上,和你一同穿越在种满了梧桐树的道路上。
Tall as he was, he insisted on only carrying a flying tiger parasol or a pair of short couplet streamers, refusing to bear the heavier bridal parasol or the funeral tablet. 他那么大的个子,偏争着去打一面飞虎旗,或一对短窄的挽联;那较重的红伞与肃静牌等等,他都不肯去动。
The waiter handed Miss Sun the parasol, which was now steaming hot as well as dripping wet. 茶房把伞交还孙小姐,湿漉漉加了热气腾腾。
An older, married man walks with her, holding an umbrella or parasol to cover her. 一个年长的已婚男子撑一把雨伞或阳伞陪伴新娘。
While Hsin-mei was bargaining with the head rickshaw boy, Hung-chien took care of the parasol for miss sun, instructing the waiter to squeeze out the water and set it in front of the stove to dry. 辛楣跟洋车夫讲价钱,鸿渐替孙小姐爱惜这顶伞,分会茶房拿去挤了水,放在茶炉前面烘。
Lady A: My husband is like my parasol. 女士:我丈夫就像我的阳伞。
Chinese parasol trees stand with drizzle, at dusk, drops by drops. 梧桐更兼细雨,到黄昏、点点滴滴。
The thoughtful Miss Sun said she had a rain hat and lent him the small green silk parasol she was holding. 孙小姐知趣得很,说自己有雨帽,把手里的绿绸小伞借给他。
Hundreds of cameras flashed as she took the stage, wearing her platinum blond hair in spikes that radiated outward from her head in the shape of a parasol. 当她终于款款登台时,几百个闪光灯闪个不停。这位歌手浅金色长发梳成无数尖尖的长条,像伞骨一般向后、向外刺去。
The window, just three Chinese parasol, this is the picture I listen to, I was in the past. 窗前的梧桐,正好三棵,这是我听来的画面,而后被我画在了往事里。
The large, wide-brimmed straw hat on the tea table by her side was of course hers and made the small parasol in Jou-chia's hand seem an age behind the times. 手边茶几上搁一顶阔边大草帽,当然是她的,衬得柔嘉手里的小阳伞落伍了一个时代。
Usually color coordinated with her otherwise suitable attire, it bloomed, a small parasol of vivid color, pinned to the large backdrop of dark brunette waves. 像是一把颜色鲜艳的小伞耀眼地别在深褐色卷曲的浓密头发上,其色调常常和她得体的衣着搭配。
Sang Nam Kim Im: Air Mattress, Sleeping Bag, Hats, Ski Glove, Parasol, Barbeque Grill, Camping Goods, Crystal Glass. 进口:充气床垫,睡袋,帽子,滑雪手套,女用遮阳伞,烤肉架,野营用品,水晶玻璃。
The Chinese parasol image contains plentiful love meanings in Tang Poetry. 唐诗中梧桐意象蕴含着丰富的爱情意义。
The combination images of Chinese Parasol and other image manifest the gentleman's high morality. 梧桐与其它意象的组合以象征君子的品格。